
Monday, November 5, 2012

师尊的角度 Guru's angle

English :

This is a lovely and very enlightening speech by Guru.
Issues addressed:
The defamation to Guru, does not exist!
The Truly Enlightened - their outlook and behaviour.
Theoretical Enlightened still need to physically execute!
Only a very Pure person can enter TRUE Samadhi.
Those with anger and hatred and thoughts of being higher than others will never achieve True Samadhi. Letting Go or Renunciation is the Key!
True Samadhi will erase All Suffering!

Various facts about Padmasambhava:- he is also a Lotus child like Amitabha Buddha; Avalokitesavara; .....

This part I like very much as I shared it often :- Padmasambhava emits light from all surfaces of his body! 
Just shared again:- under Qi Mobilization.

Best listen to Guru.

For those still into either one side of the Defamation Forum; Wake up and don't waste your life doing something that creates negative karma for self only!
For those that still scolding me for any perceived wrong doings, this speech will hopefully wake you up. You at hitting at Someone your own Demon Created. :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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