
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Difference of Transcend & Usual Fortune Telling


This is found in Guru’s book 227 - Enlightening Interviews.
Extract Summary Translation in English by Lama Lotuschef.

Question 16 [第十六問:神算與算命有何不同]
[Difference of Transcend Fortune Telling and Fortune Prediction from Bio-data]


In this article, Guru explains the Difference of the usual fortune telling methods that employ Subject's Bio-data or bone structure; zodiac signs; names; birth marks; shape of lower limbs; .....etc.

However, Guru's is dependent on Divinities like Buddhas and Boddhisattvas and Deities.
To find out who will be elected president, Guru just look at the sky and the candidate name will appear.
For life span, call-up [Life & Death Record Magistrate]!
To read the Fortune of a subject, Guru looks at the beings accompanying this person, whether they are auspicious deities or doom deities and how many are there. Same applies to Subject's health and career. 
For marriage, just look whether there is a Happiness deity present or not. 

[How does Guru make these possible? Using the Heavenly; Wisdom; Dharma; and Buddha Eye! The physical eye can't do these. Therefore, Guru's methods only he knows and others won't know.

In Zhuang Yan Sutra: 能取及所取,此二為心光。種種心光起,如是種種相。
Able to take and take, this two as Heart's Light.  Various types of Heart's Light arise,  correspond to a variety of "looks" or auras.

We cultivators, relying upon depth of cultivation, can attain 5 Eyes and 6 Sense intelligence, even for matters that one has no knowledge of, one can seek out one's Root Guru, Yidam, Dharmapala to ask and pray for direction. They will come and tell when one is asleep.

This is: Consider! Consider! Comprehend! Comprehend! ]

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