
Monday, October 22, 2012

Lu Sheng Yan's Key Principles

Terjemahan Indonesia: Prinsip-prinsip Utama Sheng-yen Lu

GM's book 96. Chapter 1 - Overtures
Translated by Lama Lotuschef

1. The Sakyamuni Buddha appeared in the world as Karma of Sentient Matters. I (Living Buddha Lian Sheng) also appeared in the world due to Significant Sentient Matters Affinity.

The world may scoff:

"Living Buddha Lian Sheng, Lu Sheng Yan, - How to compare with the greatest sages!"
"Truly, truly, I'm telling you: [I am a Buddha].

We study Buddhism, will certainly become a Buddha, if I am not a "Buddha" then who am I?

All sentient beings, do not underestimate yourself, Enlighten is Buddha, Lost/Confused are sentient beings, each of us, broadly speaking, are all Buddha.

A Significant Sentient Matters Affinity:

Pioneering the route to Buddhahood. Revealing the Nature of Buddha. Attain the True Wisdom of Enlightenment and become Buddha. Deeply immersed into the Realms of Buddha.

I am telling all : "I am a Buddha."

2. Do not do any Evil. Do all those that are Good. Purify their mind. Is the Buddha's teachings.

The first two "doing no wrongs, and all that is good" exoteric ". Behind the two "purify their mind, all Buddhist Esoteric or Tantra.

Tantra is Purification of Body; Speech and Mind. Actually these 3 is also ONE, once Mind/Thought is purified, Body & Speech will sure be purified.

So, purify their mind is Tantra.

Tantric secret law, it's ultimate purpose is to [Self-purify the Mind].

3. In my life, being affected by the traditional Buddhist's controversial mindset.
Subjected to the greatest defamation; shunted by the religious world. 
However, I honestly tell you all: 
From Others & Self perspective, 
Basically, I have never have Dispute with anyone; no one defamed me; no one shunted me, before.
What I, Living Buddha Lian Sheng, am saying is from my heart & soul, I have Eternal Tranquility, Unsurpass Supreme Wisdom; dispute, defamation, rejection, all cannot affect me.
Therefore, equals to [No one has dispute, defame or rejected me.]

4. My True Buddha School is "authentic" sector.
Because "There is no sectarianism". "Sectarianism" is a the careen small camp.
Christian portal. Catholic portal. Muslim portal. Other Buddhist sects have portal.
Only True Buddha School blends all Harmoniously, and won't shunt other sectors. We accept all of them and embrace all of them.

The Infinite Dharma Realm, True Buddha does not have a portal.
I (Living Buddha Lian Sheng), has an immeasurably magnanimous heart.
My attitude towards other religion and sectors
Efficiently use; Beneficially use; Utmostly use; Situationally draw from and use.
Share Dharma accordingly to each individual's needs.

Some people said: "True Buddha School is cult!"
I honestly tell you all: 
For those that are evil in ways & mindset, we have to employ kind persuasion rather then one track mind of beating them. It is this group of people that we need to teach and succor.[This is part of my homework: to persuade both Defamers and TBS' students to not take arms against each other, especially our TBS' central!]

True Buddha School is to benefit all sentient beings.
Purifying the whole world.
Where then is Evil? Where then is Externalists or heretics?

5.  Doing no wrongs but all that is good, must be able to ascend to heavenly realm. Almost all religions share this common precept.

Doing no wrongs, the Buddhist Five evil that is: "Killing." "Theft." "Sexual misconduct." "Lie."

Transforming the 5 Evils to 5 Virtues, that is "knowledge, truth, interests, flexible, compassionate", these are the basic virtues of a practitioner.

I (Living Buddha Lian) said:
Doing no wrongs, but all that is good - ascend to heavenly realm.
A heart unaffected by chaos - up to Western Paradise.
Purified Body; Speech & Mind  - that is achieve immediate Buddhahood.

6. Cultivating Esoteric & Exoteric is slightly different:
Exoteric "by Dharma and independent of the individual".

Tantric is "in accordance with the Dharma and the individual.
Because Tantrayana needs the blessing empowerment of Root Guru then can attain results.

I (Living Buddha Lian) identified 3 groups of people that will cultivate Tantra without achievement:

The first self-doubt - doubt self not Buddha, self suspect that impossible to become a Buddha, doubt  self in lacking the potentials to be a Buddha.

The second one, doubt his Guru- his doubts cause the loss of reverence and obedience, of course, cannot get root guru's blessing, and will not get any achievement.

Third person, doubt Tantric Dharma- because of this doubt, unable to cultivate in-depth, and can not be in-depth, you can not USE,  thus cultivate in vain because without benefits?

I hereby guarantee: For all those that are confident that You are Buddha; respectful to Living Buddha Lian Sheng Lu Sheng Yan; staunch believe in True Buddha Tantric Dharma, cultivate once a day, studious and no hold back; nothing to be attach about; will attain Buddhahood.

7. Zen has something call [doubt & guess]!
Big doubt Enlightenment.

Small doubt won't enlighten.

No doubt No enlighten.

The Sakyamuni Buddha persuade cultivators to [doubt & guess], why?

I (Living Buddha Lian Sheng) answers:

Here doubt is not of Self, Guru, or Dharma. It is [Contemplative] cultivation. That is like to study all Buddha Dharma and their philosophy; seeking and pondering in depth to a more complete and true truth, from contemplation to interpretation and enlightenment.

8. Buddha Dharma is widespread,  how to cultivate and learn?

Many Dharma Students, started out with much diligence. However upon entering the Dharma sea, then realized the enormity of Buddha Dharma, its being immeasurable, unfathomable, got shocked, don't know where to commence, to completely understand, ended up simply do not listen, think,  cultivate, and surrendered here, do no want to learn anymore.

(Living Buddha Lian) I suggest:
When young - Learn widely.
Middle age - Go in-depth into one Practice.
Old age - cultivate only Rebirth practices.

If you think [Learn Widely] is more complex, unable to enter into Dharma, why not ask Root Guru for a practice, and just cultivate this one for your whole life. Going in-depth into One practice is  enough.
Once you succeed with one Dharma practice, its equivalent to success with all. Therefore, I personally feel that just in depth with one is most important!

Learn widely but do not cultivate, like people only look at delicacy and not partaking, no benefit.

The elderly, as long as [a heart not affected by chaos] and cultivate Rebirth practice will suffice.

9. Padmasambhava said: Respect Guru; Treasure Dharma; Diligent Cultivation.

I said: "can be implemented, become enlightened men!"

The Zhi-du theory, say:
Dharma is invaluable route.
Not valuable then don't practice.
But if can diligently practice, although not knowledgeable, still can enter the path first.
10. I often think, why should I cultivate? Because I realized:
The importance of Life and death.
The swiftness of impermanence.

And I (Living Buddha Lian) understands from life's experiences some Truths:
a. Suffering means - Suffering of Birth, aging, illnesses, love parting, hatred, unattainable, five negatives senses. [These are 8 suffering].

b. Illusory means - life is unreal or illusory.

c. Impermanence - Affinity present then Appear, Affinity dispersed then Disappear. All these phenomenon changes swiftly.

I understand [Life's 8 Suffering], " Everything is Illusory ", [Swiftness of impermanence], so as to have a pure heart and alert mind, therefore I think that [Cultivation] is the topmost important matter in life.

11. In my book, [Golden words of Lu Sheng Yan], I wrote this before:

Sakyamuni Buddha gave Rayakarana to "Devadatta" as blessing empowerment for his attaining Buddhahood, and at the same time, thank him for his persecution.

I'm the same in accordance with the Sakyamuni Buddha saintly teachings,

Salute the Archmage's inverse blessing.
Salute the large layperson's the inverse blessing.
Salute the big heavenly demons' inverse blessing.
Salute the big human demons'  inverse blessing.

Salute does not violate the tenor of blessing demons.

I sincerely thank all inverse blessing, I will even more diligent, thats why today can have [Specialise in One] results of cultivation. If without these inverse blessings, might be easy to let loose.

12. "True Buddha Tantric practice" according to the three secrets to attain Buddhahood, three secrets are:

1. Body - according to mudra.

2. Speech - according to mantra

3. Mind - according to visualization

"Mudra"represents the yidam's body Mudra.

"Mantra" evidenced the yidam's attainment and current level of Dharma Treasure

"Visualization", represents yidam's thoughts and mind power

"True Buddha Tantra" most important keys are :
First one: Condense mixed thoughts or distractions into ONE

Second: Transform One thought into None.

Third: Perceive No Thoughts equal to the Universal Void

This is from Mudra, Mantra, Visualization, to link into Meditation of Samadhi, attaining the greatest in reaching Buddhahood, this is what True Buddha Tantra cultivation is.

I (Living Buddha Lian) in the midst of these, truly tell all of you that with [Highest Tantra] there are:
a. Spiritual togetherness - pure, bright, smooth flowing. (Dharma Flavor)
b. No thought - all life elements reflux.
c.  Universal Void - immediately achieve Buddhahood.

I find that once i grasp the situation, everything is completely "automatic", this is highest tantra! Once into Samadhi,  our body's "energy" naturally reflux and become focus.

Live in Universal Void "Buddha nature,  apparent self's nature automatically appear, revealing the Buddha nature.

13. I want to reveal this "supreme wisdom keys" to all in clear and minute details -
Tantra has "front, main and back practice.
The important one is the Main practice.
This is Visualization. Mudra. Enter Samadhi.

Visualization : Thought to halt thoughts.
Mantra - Invoke Yidam to merge with me and I in turn merge with Yidam.
Enter Samadhi - Merge into Stillness. 

As for Main, there are lots of keypoints in preparation of eventual Buddhahood, these are [merging into One], [transform to No thoughts], [Equals to Universal Void], and finally to [immediate attain Buddhahood].

My keypoints are:
Pulse match Pulse. 
Qi or Wind merge with Wind.
Dots melt into each other.
Light transform into each other.

I (Living Buddha Lian) by my own body's [Wind, pulse, Bindu/dots] cultivate to [enter dharma flow]; Stay in Pureness];  [maintain harmonious merging]; truly break through Internal and External channels. These keypoints I will reveal them one by one in this book.

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