
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lotuschef in Telling the Truth as it is – Shizun being beaten!

莲厨实话实说 -师尊被打!

Guru after being hit by "arrows"!

One day, about 2years ago, Lotus Yaozhong called me. He asked whether I have heard anything about shizun being beaten up by shimu's brother?
I answered: No.
He then told me that after those caring for shizun sent him home, they left. [shizun is staying in Taiwan then.]
He said: shimu's brother brought shizun to a deserted place and beat him up. After that incident, shizun pulls up parts of his sleeves to show the bruises to masters and etc. at Taiwan Temple.
I contacted fellow students in Taiwan to find out the truth about this matter. Some told me that Shizun is very tired, as the alleged beating, not clear. Some time later, YZ called me again and told me that the one that beat shizun up, his son died suddenly of unknown cause.
Hahaha! I found this in the 6 Monkeys' forum, they said I was the one that spread words of this incident!
Therefore, YZ is leaving some boats unburn for posterior backup? Hehe! Human's mindset is conflicting indeed! 
After seeing this, I know although outwardly he has [Torn opened his face-mask], but he still leaves a backup channel! So there is possibility of succoring him! Hehe!
You all can check my published articles around that period, and have an inkling to my feelings then.
I was sad, angry, feeling helpless, I asked shizun: Shizun, why you let him beat you? 
If shizun gives orders, no one can harm him! Shizun just smile at me.
After a day, before I lead cultivation, a shijie came up to me and asked: Fashi, have you bought this book yet?
Hahaha! [Sword of the Yogi]! Guru gave me answers liao!
[Answers: One Bears own karma! 
White Tara's [name list of those that dropped into the 3 Lower Realms]!
And the article about the mafia.]
Therefore, being beaten, scolded, humiliated, defamed,... etc.; Guru's answer is in [Sword of Yogi]!
Hahaha! Is it important whether shizun was beaten or not?It is the physical body or shell that is beaten and will not affect one's Buddha nature.
Like the recent episode of the [Stealth Arrows] attack, Shizun also did not avoid or deflect them.
Humbly suggest to all that true-heartedly love Shizun, chant more Guru's mantra, Wish: Guru enjoys good health and security, longevity and at ease! Also dedicate to all sentient beings wishing them perfection, ausperity, wishes fulfilled!
Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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