
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lotuschef in Contemplation - Depth Versus Width

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[But like what you said, some may really think that they already have the foundation and is keen to

know/learn more new techniques.  

It may be good to tell them to go back to basic and to learn in depth rather than width (many many techniques)…]


Guru said, you only need to practice and Yoga with One and you can Yoga with All.

There is really no necessity to go chase Abhiseka for so many Yidams. 

Guru also said, all of them able to perform Cleansing, Endowing Auspicious, Enhance Interpersonal Relationships and Suppress Negatives. 

How many really took my advice and read the Back to Basics series and try to understand what they are about?

Foundation? 4 preliminaries practice or Vajrasattva's Repentance!

Why did Guru advised us to do this one first? 
You need to cleanse or purify the Karma of Mind, Speech & Body first, then Yidams will look at you. 
Then you do the respective Sadhana of the chosen Yidam. 
Of course you have to do Guru Yoga before Yidam and Dhamapala!
There is a student that said he likes Kalachakra, so he started to practice Sadhana of Kalachakra.
Of course he can't achieve Yoga!

Another said she likes Green Tara and can she chant this mantra?
I ascertain that she has relevant Abhiseka, and I said of course she can do so if she likes.
However, why complicate matters by adding on more to the standard sadhana that she can't even do effectively.

Do you need to do so? Think before you proceed, else it is waste of precious time. I suggested that she chant more Gao Wang Sutra to dedicate to all sentient beings.

Why did you go pay hefty sum to consult others, alleged to have cultivate well and "very powerful"? 
Most of the time, you are paying con-man or confidence tricksters who market themselves to ridiculous proportions.

If you are sincere about Cultivating, then ask yourself what is your definition of Sincerity.
What do you hope to Gain? 

In my article, Stealing universal assets; why do you pay others to give you blessing by touching your head?
As per Guru, most of them can't invoke the presence of Yidam, therefore NO YOGA!
That means they are not effectively doing what they claimed or trying to Sell to you.
:) Why stick out your head for these Fakes to touch you? 
Why kneel before them? 

一心不乱 A heart unaffected by any external factors or chaos. -- Guru said this is another point in Enlightenment.

Similarly, many listened to so & so and they cluttered up their altars with lots of statues.
Also ask yourself, do you need so many?
Actually just Root Guru is enough! :)

Do not complicate your life and your cultivation program as well. 
Find some time to understand what you want and where you are heading please.

Every one has Buddha Nature and everyone has potential to realize Buddhahood, only don't be too hasty and don't ignore Guru's instructions & teachings.

It is actually good advice by seniors to go through at least 10 years of Mahayana before one embarks on the route of practicing Tantrayana.

This basic Dharma knowledge is sadly lacking in most Tantrayana practitioners.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

Lama Lotuschef

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