
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Understand Karma equates to Enlightenment

This is a Canto-pop song sung by Guan Zheng Jie - Time when a person is crying along his journey. 
关正杰 - 人在旅途洒泪时

Song : Li Xiao Tian   Lyrics: Lu Guo Zhan
曲 : 黎小田   词 : 卢国沾

女:明白世途多么险阻。 令你此时三心两意 
Female: [Understand that sentient path is full of hindrances. Causing your being undecisive presently.

男:看远路 正漫漫。 谁谓抉择最容易

Male: Looking far ahead, the route is unclear. Who said that deciding is easiest?

女:前路渺茫请君三思。 问你可曾心生悔意
My dear, please consider carefully as the routes ahead is unclear. I asked, have you ever have regrets?

男:要退后 也恨迟。 人在旅途洒泪时

Want to go backwards but hate to say it is too late. Time when a person is crying along his journey.

女:心中有约誓 永难移

女:人在这时怎么启齿。 万语千言怎表爱意
男:看夕阳 正艳红。 谁料正是哭别时


Guru said: Understand Karma equates to Enlightenment

Understand that sentient path is full of hindrances! - An Enlightened one will not hinders others? Or lie to entrap others? 

Hahaha! Not True! Because Enlightenment is given by Master/Guru, not of his own thoughts and cultivation experiences. 

After "enlightened", you are still the same you. No change in external presentation, no change in behaviour & mannerism, but instead increasingly oppresses sentient beings in your surrounding!

However, ignorant sentient beings, broke away from the sector, and started to slander Guru.

Good Gracious! 

Those sentient beings that slander own Guru, hear well!

You are aiming at the wrong target lol!

A student once said: Enlighten or Start to Mislead? :) 
*both words in chinese sounds the same: Kai Wu. In Enlighten context is Start to Understand & in the other it is starts to do wrong or mislead. 


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