
Friday, October 19, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Monkey's List !!! [2]

The Green Elixir oozing forth Infinite Dharma Treasure for all. Inhale all these and fill your Hearts to the brim as we embark on yet another journey along the Boddhi Path.....

To begin with, is Living Buddha Lian Sheng, Your ONE and ONLY Root Guru? Look Closely at this photo please. You need his Wisdom and Compassion as we journey towards Nirvana......

This Latest Monkey's List....
Whose bright idea?
Yes. Guru is laughing merrily and heartily! 

True Renunciation! 

Having this Monkey's List, made you all Happy, as you believe in Safety In Numbers? :)
You all believe there is Strength in Numbers?
The Big Brothers & Big Sisters, feel that they are still Grasping Power & Control in their hands?
Listing those that the Big People considered as against them or they hold grudges against these people, so use the MOB to carry out their Personal Vendetta?
You  can't convince those of your authenticity in this crusade against a [One Man Forum, Headed by and consisting of One, YZ]; so you put them into this Monkey's List and made them [tabooooooo]? :)
For example, listing me into such a list will affect me?
Like I will be fatter or thinner?
Taller or shorter?
Sadder or happier?
Saner or crazier?

Why share those songs recently with you all?
Especially the [Silence is Golden][沉默是金]!
Really read and understand and learn from it and apply it?
That one really has Zen flavor, do you all know that?

Read my take on the Seizing the Dharma King Crown and Dharma Throne?

Just like all the above I asked of you all, the answer is [They are Fabrications of Your Minds Only]!

Feel your positions being threatened? Who wants them, except you all!!!

My sincere advice: Truly understand what is Samaya; Disciplines; Abhiseka; Guru's Dharma Sharings (Dharma do not belong to anyone); and reflect on the TRUTH as it is and not those Fabricated by you all!!!

In any Buddhist related situations, Dharma is the solution, USE THEM. I just reminded all about the 84,000 Dharma Doors of Infinite or Immeasurable Variations! :)

Don't waste time [Taking revenge] or trying to [control, suppress, subjugate....] anyone please. You all are wasting Precious & Limited Time of your present sojourn to the Human realm. Remember Guru has a Name List from White Tara, listing those that had dropped into the 3 Lower Realms? :)

That name list exist because of those that succumbed to the 3 Poisons!

In Sword of the Yogi, the qualities or requisites of a True Yogi is listed by Guru. See whether you can fit yourself into any one of them, no need all 10 to start with!

Who are the ones peeing on Guru's head? 
Who paid for "astral arrows" to harm Guru?

Think: What if I mischievously send the Fairy of Truth to make you & you confess in front of the whole world during one of Guru's event? 

See how frivolous and ineffective are all your minor scratches and creepy crawls?

Some one sent me a heart warming little note: 近期 动物园失去了理性 小心顺序 当心被咬伤 Recently, the animals of the zoo lost their minds, beware of order, be careful of getting bitten.

Hahaha! Isn't this Hilarious!

I think I made myself very clear: I am here to succor all ignorants beings! 

If you fit the bill, then Welcome to Pure Karma!

O! we are HOME!

See you again!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited 252 August 2016

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  • Lotuschef in Chat – Monkey’s List!!!
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