
Friday, October 12, 2012

Lotuschef at Play – Telling the Truth as it is - Black magic

This Little Lotuschef is 8 years old.
However, the current Lotuschef is born on 3rd August 2008, so 4 years old.
I will be 8 in 4 years time!

Hahaha! What's the relevance? Go figure. :)

Let me detour a little, la.... :)

2 years ago, I helped a certain student suffering from some growth. The initial verdict was it is benign. However about 1 month later, the growth turned malignant. Surgery was done.
She has since recovered.

Ya. Ya. Patience.....

I asked her: What if the money you used to sponsor a master, is used to hire hits on our Guru?
Of course, she thought I am mad! :)
Why am I not credible? Because I am new to TBS, I am also without any Titles. These are what most ignorant sentient chased after too!

Guru told us last week some one hired hits on him to stop him leading cultivation on Saturday & Sunday!
While Disciplines & Samaya is such HOT gossips, isn't this Hirer more evil than the defamers?
Hahaha! Stay cool! I am not endorsing those ignorants' defamation of Guru.
Just Comparing only!

I was hit by black-magic about 4years prior to refuge with TBS. I know what suffering those evil stuff are. I was hit because of partners greedily wanting my markets and some my cash!

Now to the point! Hehe! At last!!!

This is a word of caution to those that want to try what you all sent to Guru last week on me.
I am not as seasoned as Guru in trying out these kinds of "medicine"!
Therefore I might react in nano-seconds to send them back where they come from.

Don't forget you all have to think of my good friends, Acala; for one and Kalachakra; Mayura; Ksitigarbha; Ganesha; ..... etc..And of utmost importance my Root Guru, Living Buddha Lian Sheng.

On Guru it is as per his statements, quite strong or powerful!
Think: What if those arrows hit you all? AH! O!

We might need to do bardo for you all then!

I am pretty good at Sunzi Art of War too! :)
Who knows what deterrents I have put around myself & those I want to protect?

O! Did I tell you all about Setting up an Astral Mesh-netting of Swords as Armor Protection?
What will happen if you trigger them all to fly at you like guided missiles?

Do not throw a pebble however small into a Still Pond of Water! The Ripples can become great waves or even tsunamis, with your name written on it!

Tantrayana is amazingly immeasurable and the possibilities are immeasurable as well. When one is diligent and adheres to Root Guru's guidances, anything is possible.

There is something call : Situational Responsive Action.

However, I am quite compassionate, though not to Guru's level yet!
So just keep in mind that One Do Not Play With Fire, Which Results in One Getting Burnt!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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