
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - Mob Mentality

Hi brother yew chung
This is what I mean about Mob Mentality of Ignorants:-
真佛宗蓮厨法師開天眼收費新幣五千。蓮厨法師,真佛護法園的網主ilovegm,口頭禪:老娘。常在自己網喊 I love GM, Grandmaster. 但也常半公開駡真佛宗内的上師,如蓮寧,蓮火,蓮萊 等人。也愛爆料。
[True Buddha school venerable lianchu open heaven eye for a fee of SGD 5K. Reverend, True Buddha Dhamapala webmaster ilovegm, favorite statement: old mom (means like your old mother and not the loving & caring kind like maman). Often shouted in the web "I love GM, Grandmaster". But often semi-publicly scold TBS Vms, like lian ning, lian huo, lianl ai & etc. Also like to expose materials.]

Hahaha! How did I become the webmaster of that mob claiming to be dharmapalas? 

How did my suggesting that the student either listen to GM or pay me 5K and I will teach her how to go about opening 3rd eye, become ammunition for ignorants to use as ammunition that they think can hurt GM and TBS or even me? :)

I am English educated and my chinese is passable. Elevating me to being the webmaster of a Chinese absolute website is truly hilarious!!!

Now you know what I mean when I said Jealous women are lethally poisonous!
Your articles & speech posted already showed you are grateful to GM for saving your life. Now you contradicted your previous statements, it made your current statements not credible as you presented 2 conflicting versions . Whatever you think now, all from your personal choice. However, being group with these ignorants mobsters really a very sad scenario. 

I do not agree with the so call Righteous in blaming you for people leaving TBS. Their karma dictates their affinity to cultivate.
Also many failed to realize that we eventually & truly takes refuge with our own Buddha nature with the 3 kayas.
In Tantrayana, Root Guru can be considered as a Convenience too when One reveals his own Buddha Nature. However, the Samaya between Guru & Student stands True forever despite all odds! All methods of Sentient nature is of Convenience. You should know this better than me as you translated lots of GM's books and also read widely. 
In TBS, I admire those with TRUE brain matter & one of them is you. Many, like GM said are mimics and some have been doing so for close to 40years.
When G calls me and informed me you have started a forum in slandering GM, I was truly shocked. 
In my article, Demon's lackey, I defused the Untruths hurled your way by a Taiwanese student. 

Let's have dessert and catch up. 
These stuff, leave it to those ignorant mobsters. 
Both sides getting too emotional and out of hand already...
Twisting everything out of context and proportions!
Facts or Truths become of little significance!

With metta, 

Dear all, don't go into any of these websites. GM said to leave them be anyway. 

Today's speech is very clear:
1. You & only you can open your own central channel & no one can do that for you.
2. Mara is also a high level Boddhisattva that has Boddhicitta, which is compassion for all.
3. GM do not bother about any sentient matter, and he stresses many times, he don't know how and don't want to be bothered to surf the net. - He just don't want to listen to Sentient gossips!
4. How to free yourself from the all 4 demons or Mara.

Every one has their own Buddha nature and it is up to each to cultivate to find it.
Therefore, there is no need as GM said today of seeking answers externally, for when you open up your central channel and related chakras, you will know all. 

For the info of those intending to fire missiles at me, thinking to add fuel to your cause of defaming my Root Guru and True Buddha School, we all don't exist for Lies but Truth, the Ultimate Truth that Buddha talks about. 

Hurling lies at me or anyone, will only show yourself up as very ignorant. Be compassionate to yourself please.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

**PS: Someone in TBS is manipulating the ignorant mobsters on both sides! believe it or not up to you!

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