Monday, October 8, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - Hehe! Fun Time!

This week Pure Karma celebrates 2nd Anniversary on the 13 Oct 2012.
Lets have Fun! 
Hahaha! Who said cultivation cannot be Fun?
Cultivation helps all to leave Suffering behind and find Happiness and Stay Happy!

Now back to my homework of 起心动念 Heart Triggers Thoughts into Motion! 
师尊说开悟是 :一心不乱、如如不动、无心道人
Guru said Enlightenment is : A Heart Unaffected by Chaos; Unmoved by Any Factor; A Heartless Cultivator/Yogi

Let us journey through the recent saga of the Defamation of Guru. We have the Defamators on one side & the self proclaimed supporters on another. Why self proclaimed? You will find answers later as we move along...

This is my message on Facebook:

Someone in TBS is manipulating the ignorant mobsters on both sides! believe it or not up to you!
Now i understand why Guru said stand on the sidelines! The allegations hurled at me in this article another lackey of someone in control and the Dharmapalas website too. Hahaha! Trying to hide behind me? Making me the big mafia boss? Guru showed me your face just now after publishing this article!
Mob mentality! Should have realized that you people like to Power-Play! :)
Being too near physically near Guru, one tends to forget that Guru is a Living Buddha? 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom!

Hahaha! This time is truly Game Over liao!!! Domo! Merci beaucoup! Thank You.
上师您好 Greetings Vajramaster
这个网站在几天内变质了! This website has already mutated!
就是乌合之众很情绪化的所为伸张正义、什么退道心、 等。Consisting of unorderly amassed people who profess to uphold Truth, what loss faith in cultivation; etc....

哈哈哈! Hahaha!
阿弥陀佛 Amituofo
释莲厨合十 Lotuschef Respectfully

Sent from my iPhone

On 7 Oct, 2012, at 23:02,
世界真佛宗宗務委員會 謹啟
The above is an endorsement from Central for the website who self proclaimed to be in support of Guru and to right wrongful allegation of defamation and wrongdoing. 
LC: Well, GM showed me that XXX has somehow infiltrated this site and gain control and this email came in.

I said Thank You in 3 languages! Domo! Merci beaucoup! Thank You.
Why? :) Game Over!

Writing into the "supporters" website: I incite them to think.
Similarly for the "slanderers"!

Hahaha! The reaction from both sites is what Guru gave me as assignment! 
起心动念 Heart Triggers Thoughts into Motion! 

Needless to say, sentient beings with sentient mindset all dropped IN! 
From the subsequent indignant reactions in written form in my comment window and their respective Dialogue boxes and the stats of viewership of certain "sensitive" articles in my blog/blogspot, I TRULY STIRRED UP ALL THEIR HORNETS' NESTS! :)

So I set their Hearts to Trigger Thoughts into Motion! YAY! YAY! YAY! HIP HIP HURRAY!

Average Daily Viewership is 400 per day. The last few days was 500+ and yesterday 600+!

Do you know also that you have actually attended sessions with Pure Karma Virtual Temple when you read articles from blog/blogspot? :)

Buddha has shared 84,000 Dharma Doorways or Paths. 
Well, Pure Karma Virtual Temple is One such Dharma Doorways to succor sentient beings.

A warmth welcome to all sentient beings 24/7! 

Notice also that I have teachings and sharing from many good gurus and also my favorite ones of my Root Guru, Living Buddha Lian Sheng; Guru Rinpoche; ......
A suggestion to those ignorants, if you don't like the Dharma Sharing from my Root Guru, you also won't be left idle as I have research widely and there are Dharma sharing from many other.

Please remember my advice on Samaya between Guru & Student though. Even though I appeared or presented a Lawlessness to most of the world; this Samaya between me & my Root Guru holds firm despite all odds! and this is forever, irregardless of future trips to the sentient world! 

For those that reacted vehemently / abusively / scathingly / threateningly / sneeringly; the IMPORTANT POINT IS YOU REACTED! 

I reminded you all too about Sword of the Yogi and the Attributes of a True Yogi? Hehe! You all not too alert to my ways? 

Think I am Mad? Crazy? Stupid? Idiotic? Brainless? Whatever! Be My Guest!

Decide to come and cultivate with me? Welcome 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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