
Monday, October 29, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - Frivolous Action 无聊动作

Crystal Pyramid has lots of hidden meaning.
Let us explore the Pure factor here.

TBS committee posted an announcement on their website in reply to the Defamers' allegation that Guru is all bluff!
This announcement is a Letter by Shi-mu, stating that she vouched that Guru is a Great Achiever!
In my article [Demon's Lackey. True/False], the writer statements that the subject he is talking about is in Shi-mu's camp. In other words, telling us he is in VM LianNing's camp! :)
Means there is at least 2 camps in the Committee!

Recently, the committee also announced that there will be no change of Chairman of the committee hence, VM Lian Ning will stay as Chairman permanently!

The Fun begins!!!

All announcement from TBS' Committee are therefore Approved by the Chairman before public announcement!
So our VM Lian Ning is fully and totally responsible for all announcements after the Date he becomes the committee's permanent chairman, correct? :)
How lovely!

静观其变!To silently watch changes! [this is part of my homework].

The letter by Shi-mu is considered bias as supporting Guru's [public image] is of personal interest to her. Therefore this is actually generating negative instead of positive effect. She gave ammunition to the opposition by her action.

The Committee's endorsement of an unknown and unofficial forum in yet another announcement, further damages the 'mindset' of the committee and their wisdom seem to be elusive.

Guru has his reasons for not acting at all.
Therefore the committee really should not supersede Guru's will and act against the defamers.
Moreover, this is not the first and isolated on Guru, why loose your cool and react so strongly?
Is it because you have personal grievances or grudges against YC?

See how emotions can dictate to a person's mind and even directed one into action detrimental to Self only?
This show everyone that is discerning that the one in charge and also the ones that agree and execute his orders, really have no idea of what is Buddha Dharma and what is the True Meaning of their vows of Samaya, Boddhisattva, Ordination; at all.

A True Leader like Guru, will discouraged any arising or animosity against any Single Being.
See how superseding Guru, bring out all your deficiencies like card game "show-hand"?

Do not bother to get angry at me too! :)
Someone has to tell you to give you a chance to have a good thorough look at Self, so that you can truly take charge of a Buddhist sector and also have wholehearted support from all.
You are given a chance by Guru, don't negate it or waste it with any sentient craving and behavior.

Whether you truly understand what is needed of you for this position is of utmost importance and not what you can gain for self from this position.

No fakes or evil persons will be given any support from Universal beings.
Guru has support of the Whole Universe!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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