
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - 造假 Falsify

Let us inhale the cool blue elixir to recharge and de-stress. Visualize self surrounded by this cool blue.....

Let us journey again....

Guru said he never fake any matter!
This is our topic for this journey....

I heard that Samaya & disciplines are the hot topics nowadays!

Betraying one's Guru, after accepting Samaya vow when taking refuge, one has truly breach this vow! As I researched and shared, this person will go to Vajra Hell/ Timeless Hell upon his demise.

However, Guru offered them a pardoning hand compassionately to save them this fate.
Why? Well, Guru often said to put others' well being before self!
Everything an individual does, correspond to his eventual fate later.
So all they need is to repent.

Guru meant what he said and never negate on his own words and teachings.

Now the Human / Sentient Factor or Mindset!
The Dharmapalas forum endorsed by Central attempts to defame and discredit YC by using a snap shot of him taken stealthily by Anonymous, alleging he abused the life Guru saved in gambling at a local casino!
This student is the webmaster and isn't this a breach of Guru's teachings of not falsifying anything?
The intent also very un-righteous as it is to affix YC with a false facade so as to garner support for their own Dialogue.

Does Central knows this is a bottomless pit? The most lethal quagmire? Emotions run rife and awry too.
If Guru didn't want to take any action against the betrayers, why is Central acting against Guru's wishes? Central also breaches Samaya & Disciplines?
Central leads all those in the self proclaimed righteous camp on a crusade to wipe-out the Defamers?
Is this what Guru teaches and endorsed?

Alas, who am I to put these viewpoints or angles at the High & Mighty & All Controlling Central, presided by our Enlightened One? The "crown prince" of TBS at that.

Guru said each one answers his own Karma. However, he is wise & compassionate and wants to prevent these students from suffering the fate of dropping into Vajra Hell.

Isn't this like sending A to find B, and both got lost forever?

Central attempts to THINK for Guru?
ACT for Guru?
Penalize for Guru?

Please bear in mind we are a Buddhist organisation, adhering to Buddha's teachings to succor all sentient beings with Wisdom and the all important Boddhicitta.

Once again, we come to the end of this journey. Do join me again! :)

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Related Posts:

  • Lotuschef in Chat – Vajra Hell! Fixed Karma!
  • Lotuschef in Contemplation – Breaking Samaya
  • Lotuschef in Conversation – Samaya & Abhiseka
  • Lotuschef in Chat – Talk to Shizun
  • Lotuschef in Contemplation – 起心动念 Heart Triggers Thoughts into Motion

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