
Thursday, June 21, 2012

[21-06-2012] Lotuschef in Conversation – Guru picks up the tabs!

by LOTUSCHEF on JUNE 21, 2012

On my way to Kuala Lumpur, a vision of Lotus K appeared.

I messaged her mobile informing her that I will be in Kuala Lumpur and can she arrange to meet me in the evening.

Hahaha! She called and said she is on leave after 12noon that day for a whole week!

She came to lunch with us that afternoon.

Let us recap on Lotus K. She was the one that was affected by spirits and faint easily. I met her after an event in Taiwan LZS this way. Subsequently, met her few times.

Once, we waited with her for Guru to finish giving blessing to a large kneeling crowd [10-3-2012]. Guru patted her on her right shoulders and said: It all right, nothing amidst.

This is actually  Guru saying that he will pick up the tabs. In other words, he will be responsible and take care of the matter.

I also advised her to dedicate merits of chanting High King Avalokitesvara Sutra to all sentient beings.

Lotus K has a rosy hue and is quite bright and shining now.

She said a group of masters from overseas came to Malaysia to host an event and Principal Yidam is Bhaiṣajyaguru Buddha/Medicine Buddha.

One of them gave her blessing and the other came in search of her after the event to tell her that she would help her to meet Guru personally so that Guru can help her.

I told her these group of masters love Guru and are very diligent cultivators who cares for fellow students too. The female master has more than enough “power” to help her fully but problem is Confidence.

Most of us think that only Guru has the power to save us or heal us.

It is also not wrong to think this way as Guru revealed in the Sword of the Yogi,  that White Tara said that many students including Vajra masters have dropped into the 3 Lower realms. Hahaha! So who do we trust?


[Those that are humble and also not money-grabbing!

Those that don't give you the impression that they are powerful and only they can help you!

Those that do not equate "the amount of money you can pay equals the amount of karmic negatives they can neutralize for you!"

Her residual problem is to building up a healthy body and also let go of the passed experiences now.]

 Cheers all.


Pure Karma

Lama Lotuschef

True Buddha School

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