
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Rainbow Body Attainment Book 1 - Empowerment

This is found on pages 14 to 15.
Only in tantrayana, there is Empowerment transmission.

The purpose is planting the Guru's and Yidams' ; Dharmapalas'.... Seed Syllable into your 8-conscious field. Like a seed that will slowly sprout and grow to become a tree, this Seed Syllable will sprout into a lotus flower and in the middle of the lotus is a Principal Seed Syllable which will grow into a tree. Similarly, every Mandala has a tree and the center is the principal yidam , and the highest Vajra protector, and beneath all the Dharmapalas, all become a tree.

Therefore regular cultivation will let this Seed grow and mature. In the midst of the universal Dharma flow of energy, it is as if the Universal Light gives you an empowerment, like transmitted the seed into your heart, letting it grow up gradually, to eventually become as one with your principal yidam, or transform into your yidam.

Therefore, Buddha grows similarly from a Seed Syllable. Like Amitabha Buddha's [XIE] syllable and Avalokitesvara has a similar one but they are not the same color. From Seed Syllable all the way to become a Buddha, this way to cultivate to attain Fruitful level.

From Seed Syllable throughout to attainment, is what Empowerment is in Tantrayana, to finally attain Buddhahood, which is the deepest meaning and purpose.

Dear readers, sharing the purpose of empowerment with you all, I sincerely hope that all fellow student receiving empowerment transmission from Guru through walking through banners, to please remember you will get the proper empowerment if you do as Guru instructs.


As for those receiving distant empowerment, please be sincere. Guru said most do not appreciate the empowerment and the offering is less than the postages of empowerment requests!

It is not the actual value of the money that you offer but your lack of sincerity.

Also the Mindset must not be for gains in power; wealth; adulation; without ploughing efforts in cultivation. Purify your mindset first.

If you can feel flow of energy from your crown; then circling your crown; then slowly descend to fill your whole body; just by watching the live-cast; you have the potential to receive the Seed Syllable being planted astrally into your Heart Chakra.
Of course, Believe Or Not, Up To You!!!


Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.

Lama Lotuschef

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