
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lotuschef in Contemplation - Karmic Debts


I remember meeting AA, and his friend one evening after a late dinner. AG was with me and we just left a certain local chapter after cultivation. Walking back towards my car, I saw AA leaning against my car and talking to his friend.

I jokingly said: Thanks for wiping my car.
AA start a conversation with me, asking about which sector I am from and then telling me he goes to ZZ & etc temples frequently.

Out of the blue, I said: You have taken something that do not belong to you, best make good whatever you have taken.

He said: Don't have. Don't have.

I smiled and got into my car with AG and prepared to drive home.

AA lightly tap on the window pane on my side.
I whined down the window pane and he said to me: Shi-fu, have la, have la. When I was young, I stay near a temple and used to play there with my friends. I took things I like from the temple home and kept them. What can I do?

I taught him to go do voluntary work at temples he frequents and also to donate to charity if his financials permits. I told him must say sorry to the Buddhas & Boddhisattvas or Deities at temples and ask for forgiveness.

I was cooking dinner just now & I recalled the recent incident when a student told me that he eats at the temple when he was broke and that was his purpose for going to the temple, to feed himself.

I realized that this is why Guru made me talk to him and also let me have a good "look" at him.

I was not feeling well, and the co-relation didn't surface.
This student owes a debt to the temple and his status was real lousy for many years.
When he pledges to cultivate to make a difference, his financials started to improve.
Debts do show themselves in your general aura.

I am almost back to my usual form liao. From early August till 20 September, I was too busy with family and also group cultivation sessions that I barely have time to ponder on lots of stuff! :)

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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