
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lotuschef in Contemplation – Attachment 2

by ADMIN on SEPTEMBER 16, 2012

Faith JunHao Fashi, i got one quote about this but dont know how to interpret it in a right way

Lady Tsogyal asked the Master (Padmasambhava) : What should we do to have a vision of the YidamDeity?

The Master replied : Do not regard the Yidam Deity as a form body; it is Dharmakaya. the meditation on this form as manifesting from.Dharmakaya and appearing with color, attributes, ornaments, attire and a major and minor marks.should be practiced as being visible while devoid of a self-nature.

it is just like the reflection of the moon in the water. When you attain mental stability by practicing like this, you will have a vision of the deity, receive teachings and so forth. If you cling to that you will go astray by Mara. Do not become fascinated or overjoyed by such visions since they are only the manifestation of your mind. (Dakini Teachings pg 107)
Faith JunHao i just think it is really correlated with the way Fashi taught us. 

While Dharmakaya is a form, i think Sambhogakaya / the ultimate form is Light. he7..
Francesca Poon Sambhogakaya – is the form that beginners must learn to visualize as per many Gurus/masters. However, as I have said, it is only for Convenience for sentient beings to learn to concentrate n help them to still their thoughts or wandering minds…. therefore, I personally feel that being so stressed out as many are with visualizing all the color, attributes, ornaments, attire and a major and minor marks, — really more difficult than visualize Light form or seed syllable.
The Dharmakaya is the ultimate light form which is actually no fix form…..Hehehe…
Many turned away, because they were stomp down by visualization as most can’t concentrate for more that 5 to 10minutes….
Hahaha! I am telling the Truth as most can’t visualize and the one leading cultivation just went on like an express train. Being demoralized as they think themselves lacking, they stopped attending cultivation and instead relied on titled masters to do the necessary when they are in need and they think they have no choice but to Pay the Piper.
For those that falls into this category of  ”Drop-out”, most of those leading cultivation also can’t visualize well and they are like what Guru said: mimic Guru only.
Don’t get deceive by the External Form they present!
Cheers all
Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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