
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - True or False

HS: Dear Fa Shi, Is pure karma in the financial difficulty?
LC: Hahaha! No. Pure karma has plenty of funds
HS: why suddenly is everything based on membership?
LC: there are ppl that come and demand too much n disrupt the cultivation. applying a fee stop those that expect free personal consultation. Therefore, I am also applying a fee for the other extras
HS: ic. okay.
LC: Also offering for fire puja, if I continue to sponsor them, then there is no sincerity on the individual's part. It also results in them owing me. How to clear their own karma when they are not contributing to the offering?
HS: but why not get a main sponsor. Then, the rest is free to attend. If they want to buy, they can purchase as a package. 10 main sponsors for $200.
LC: karma is one's own. Therefore, each individual has to make their own contribution.
There is a group that comes when things are not smooth with them. Then disappeared until things bad again. These are not sincere cultivators n also they cause disharmony by being bossy to those regulars that attend and also contribute to the offerings or charity fund for us to help the needies
HS: Fa Shi, every human being has need and wants
LC: the regulars do not need to pay for the lotuses for themselves n family that are attending. They only pay if they can't attend n wants to participate.
HS: When I first came to the temple in Y, I had a pressing issues. for 10 years, I didn't contribute. Luckily, the Dang Zhu in New York has a patience with me. She gives, gives, and give. That was the reason why I was able to give back by doing the event in T. Of course, not everybody will give back.
LC: preparing each lotus offering is time consuming and we are short handed. The regulars are those that help to set up and pack up. Whereas those irregulars come n mess up & walk off after eating the food sponsored by regulars. I am still the main sponsor for the fire puja and I feel that I need to effectively utilize my resources. I was one of them in the past. I went to the temple JUST for the food. smile
LC: your situation seems to be different from mine. They came to get free consultation from me. But not willing to cultivate and help themselves. also create too much disharmony. Pure Karma is NOT a Temple in the physical sense , therefore no sponsors from public or fellow students.
HS: But... today, I looked at things differently. I received what I wanted in the first place. Same thing with me, Fa Shi. I went to the temple and asked for free consultation with Master L. He was even treating lunch as I was completely broke. We can't really avoid that, Fa Shi. I know it so well. It happened to me too many times.
LC: are you a big gossip that come n boss around and then spread all kinds of gossip n try to chase away others. When I did the ceremony in T, some of the previous disciples were accusing me. and said... I was in it for power and fame. and they gossip with others saying that... I got a lot of money from doing the event.
LC: My dear HS, Trust Guru? Trust me? Sometimes it is best to let them go until they have the affinity
HS: On the recent event, it got worse. I was being accused as the worse person in the world by same disciples. I trust GM 100%. You know it, Fa Shi. smile
LC: hahaha! U have to trust I am doing what is best for Pure karma & all sentient beings. I still maintain offering to the Homeless spirits, eath deities, city gods & etc. I still donate to needies n charities world wide.
HS: Just my suggestion, Fa Shi. Nothing else.
LC: I know la
HS: I don't talk much anymore as I prefer to stay silent on things that are not going to help me to go to pure land. -- Of course, I will say few words only if it is necessary.
LC: As long as I am doing Right by all sentient beings, Guru n fo pusa will make sure my path is smooth.
HS: That's good to hear, Fa Shi. smile
LC: The sincere ones are helping to pay for offerings too. therefore I can use my resources more on charity
HS: We can just do our best, Fa Shi. At the end, it is going to be the same thing. Go to pure land or get back to six realms. it is wasteful to make extra lotuses n ppl don't turn up. We put lots of expensive stuff into each one. I saw a lot of your efforts from the pictures you showed. smile
LC: if they pay, at least they will be responsible
HS: I know GM sees that as well.
LC: and being a fashi does not mean I am anyone's servant and have to serve them whenever they please with my resources, right? GM gives me guidances all the time & I am starting a few projects soon. healthy meditation & fire puja on commission

HS: We are all servant of sentient beings. smile know something, Fa Shi. We don't have any temples in T.
LC: said to go help the indonesians in cultivation & I went as instructed. the jakarta event is a good of example of GM at work. bcos everything went smoothly at minimal cost too. venue was sponsored by a very rich business woman, that met guru once. she is not TBS student too!
HS: Every Saturday, we went to an 84-year old grandpa house chant mantra together with Sy and I. All of sudden, every other disciples went to his house together (after 3 months). to chant mantra together in his house. are just so happy. We only missed one time as we went to Seattle last week
LC: Thats good, as long as you are willing to do something, GM will make sure you have all the resources u need. next trip to Medan, lake toba. want to come?
HS:, I can't for now. frownI have a commitment to do something for Boston as you know it. smileLast year, when GM touched my head, it was twice. This year, only one time. smileit is like.... One more year, remember??
LC: hahaha! one day u will find time to join one of Pure Karma's event. knows, pure karma might go do an event in T with you as organiser
HS: When it happens, I am more than happy to help out. I don't want all the name and reputation. I just want to do my best as I promised GM.
LC: we just need a place to build a fire pit and place to sit for vajrasattva's marathon too. maybe the granpa house also can. just a field where we can stack bricks
HS: FYI, the Grandpa is Ching Chong. There is no TBS in here. frown is Amitabha Society
LC: jing tu zhong
LC: Pure Land. then when u find a nice field then we can think of doing an event there
HS: Sure. smile
LC: told u i will help u set up a place for cultivation when u are ready. i didnt go to seattle bcos my son went for a knee operation on the 13th sep, my sister n DT came over from ST for a petroleum conference
HS: Fire Puja is hard here. It is cz it required fire marshall in place. but.... I will see what I can do. ic. How is he? DT?

LC: my daughter came back too for the big family gathering. his cancer tumor shrank down 75%
HS: ic
LC: he gained back all the weight loss, n he is rosy n healthy looking too. he started a care group for those with cancers too. and the hospital, arthur anderson invited him to spend some time with their care group. so he kept his promise to GM to help others and be charitable
HS: The real reason I am able to cultivate better than last year and reduce my emotion by more than 95% is because of this Grandpa. He gave me the Sutra that I mentioned to you early in the year. Wow... It means that Buddha has awakening him. smileso... it is a good thing. ya. Gm said the one from houston only have one guanding n only know how to chant GM's mantra, n his cancer disappeared.
HS: Yeah, I was there on Sunday. smile
LC: he said those that didn't go attend vishnu event too bad. But those are truly not what he wants to say. This is a good example to illustrate what Gm said: sometimes what you see and hear also not true
HS: What do you think he wants to say?
LC: hahaha! remember i wrote that even sitting in front of my computer, I can feel the energy empowerment? well, I and those that can 'astrally" be there, all got what GM wants to share with us
I wrote into the new article already
HS: I am not yet on a Alohan level, so, I can't comment on this for sure. smile
LC: it is truly complete faith n trust in Guru n you will get what you need to cultivate la. OS,  also watching n feel energy empowerment as well Last year, they had the empowerment for four face buddha.I didn't go, but I watched it online to the end. I so wanted to cultivate it, since I didn't get the empowerment and respect the law of TBS, I decided not to touch it. Whatever GM mentioned, I listen as I know it is for the best.
LC: ya. brahma
LC: n also guru said he won’t repeat, but the future living buddhas in TBS can do so if there is need la
all these need affinity Master LN?
LC: no. he has yet to cultivate to yoga. GM said even those enlightened in theory still need cultivate. Although using the theory they might be able to cultivate faster only. but people who crave power n control n money will not be able to become a True Buddha
HS: But... he is Master …..
LC: that is the worse! because that is Control n power. u forgot that GM said his enlightenment was given by Gm n not enlighten by himself. A living buddha do not wants or crave control GM is the one who officially gave Master LN the title …….
LC: Think: what’s important is using what we learn from Guru to help others. Hahaha! told u that what u see n hear can be just a false scene. announcing is one thing, GM said on Sunday he went for medical n he is very healthy...
HS: I really don't know and I don't want to know. The only thing I know is... I can't make a judgment as I am not Alohan. smileSo, I can just keep doing my best for GM. That’s all I can do.
LC: hehe! Gm knows best. who can take charge n who can care for sentient beings, all these GM knows
HS: Human realm is full of dirt and stain. I just want to leave everything when the time comes. smile
LC: ya. thats right
HS: Fa Shi, most people can't see it as they don't have a calm heart. Even when I know it, I won't talk about it as it will not help me and others. As I have mentioned before, I prefer to stay low profile and focus on love all the time. I know it could be a very tiring process especially it is easy for people to take me for granted, but I am more than willing to do it. On Friday, there were a lot of people asked questions. GM was so compassion. He asked Master N to tell the rest of disciples to come inside for MoDing.
LC: u too! why the first thought that occur to u when I set new rules, u think pure karma has $$$ problems.
HS: it is because I want to know if there is anyway I can use my knowledge to help out. Nothing else. There are always two side: Good or Bad. My intention is only one. Help out and nothing else. Gm said can ask cultivation n empowerment, but no personal questions
LC: Yeap, but there were so many people who were not able to ask questions. That was why GM decided to give blessing to everyone who stood outside for hours. when reach 6pm. Gm will give all that didnt get a chance to ask/consult group blessings Yes and he was very tired. Fa Shi, thank you for speaking with me. smile
LC: its ok la. things i do might look funny, but GM is guiding me, so don’t need to worry
HS: I don't worry. smileI know I have done a lot of weird things that do not make sense to others.

Dear all, Pure Karma is a privately funded team and we welcome Sincere Cultivators Only. We do not have resources like established temples. It is also not good to have free-rides from any religious groups or institution without contributing your share in material forms like money or effort. Your karmic debts increase correspondingly when you abused others' sincerity and good will. 

Pure karma will only channel funds to charitable pathways from now. 
Therefore, please pay your own way if you want to learn how to cultivate to save yourself and help others.
We will not provide you with free offering, for you to ask for well being of self or to enrich self only. 
We will also not include you in the offering to needies and spirits and deities too, free of charge.

Appreciate that Pure Karma has no choice but to set rules for the better of sincere cultivators.

Personal Consultation - $300 per block of 20minutes. Prior registration compulsory.

If you have questions on cultivation, you can write to TBS Central in Seattle or Taiwan Temple. 
Only when you attend cultivation with Pure Karma, then I will try and answer your questions pertaining to cultivation. 
Please stop all voice calls, & text messages thorough all channels, like mobile phones; Viber; What's App; Line; MSN; facebook: ...etc.
You will not receive any reply as previously stated.

Listen well to Guru and you won't need to look externally for any answer.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.
Lama Lotuschef

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