
Friday, September 21, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Open 3rd Eye!

  • Hello fashi
    LL dream about GM and u last night. You told her that her 3rd eye already open and GM beside u and smile.
    She said cannot see lah.... You said not this way. Need to practice to use 3rd eye....

    • She also dream about 黄财神。衪叫她一定要参加星期六的火供。黄财神告诉她,衪是LL 的本尊和护法。前几天LL本来想说她不去参加这个星期的火供。真是殊勝。

      Dear TTpls do not msg thru facebook anymore
      anyway what u are asking is personal consultation of reading dreams. it is chargeable
      for 3rd eye to open, need to cultivate n not from a dream. Want to learn then listen to GM or pay me at least 5 K to teachIs there a hurry to "open 3rd eye"? 
      all personal issues please go thru lotus helen for appointment
      what I share during cultivation n on blog is more than enough to begin with n at least do them well first

      Dear all, when you didn't build the relevant foundations, do not attempt to do any cultivation that you think you are able to do or make you "powerful".
      The 3rd eye might let you see spirits of the lower realm with ugly and scary faces too! Have you thought of this?

      When people tell me stuff like the above, I will just listen and not comment.

      I would like to remind all to email: and not send messages through any other channels.

      All queries sent to me via gmail will also be assessed and you might not get a reply too.

      Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
      Lama Lotuschef

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