
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - A heart unaffected by Chaos

Translated by Lama Lotuschef.
Dream story 1 - Jumping Corpse
One day, the ferry dropped anchor. My spouse and I went on-board for leisure pursuit. We went to the restaurant to have dinner.
As I don't know how to swim, I asked the crew about location of life-buoy, a crew member brought me along to show me where they are. 
Upon my return to the dining hall, I saw my spouse eating his dinner but he didn't order any for me. Extremely annoyed, I walked back to our room.
As I was passing a certain area, someone stuck a talisman on me, I felt very uncomfortable, and start to chant some mantra. After that, some corpse started to walk out, I am very frightened, I recalled Fashi words, when you meet demons and ghostly spirits, invoke Guru to merge.
I hastily visualized the 8-petals lotus opening in my Heart Chakra, Root Guru sitting upon this lotus, radiating immense light.

I started to chant Root Guru's mantra. These corpses dare not come near me.
In the dream, I can see my body shining brightly with light, radiating in all directions.

Running back to the dining hall, I discovered those that ate the food, started to change in shape.
I quickly lifted a big bowl of food and chanted Purification mantra, then I gave the food to everyone.
After consuming these cleanse food, everyone started to vomit, and recovered their will power, and hurriedly left.
Supporting my weakened spouse, we left hastily too.
During our escape, I sighted Fashi.
Haha! "Ring Ring" sounded the alarm clock and I woke from my dream.

Recalling my latest dream, I discovered the importance of cultivation. 
Daily cultivation increases and strengthen our Faith & Trust in Guru.
This must be Guru's way of training me to have more guts and how to USE mantra!
Grateful Thanks!


From this episode, I sincerely wish that all cultivators memorise: Guru's mantra and Visualizing Guru's appearance or presence.
Make good use of what we learn!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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