
Monday, September 17, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Dangers of Incorrect Cultivation

These pictures show Kundalini activities for some cultivators. 

I have plans for Healthy Meditation Courses and the following are some feedback on what many are doing on a commercial basis mostly.
The main difference is that I am watching and guiding students for these courses to learn to regulate their breathing for healing and relaxation and also a Positive Mindset. All welcome and no restriction on religious leanings. 
Cheers all. You can write to for details and registration.

Read on and enjoy!!!

LC: This JT event seems to be very comprehensive in dividing the various stages of cultivation. however, it is dangerous to teach yoga meditation to certain ppl. i have one that told me she went into a bright tunnel n keeps following the light

OS: nah you need to set the clear guide for the people
people are still fascinated by the physical yoga. some of my friends even told me she has become "energy sensitive" by just performing physical yoga

LC: at some point she got scare n turned back n she stop doing meditation from then on whenever she does yoga exercises

OS: but they don't have any idea about meditation and samadhi

LC: I think will share stories of ppl going into meditation n travelling somewhere
the teacher might not have "power" or know how to pull this people back

OS: another one tried to meditate and felt like being dropped into a dark abyss, and he got scared
yes, so very true!
i can safely say that most of the teachers here are incompetent in terms of samadhi and meditation

LC: ya. thats why I watch students when we are in samadhi stage to see their aura n etc
n the entering the water plane, i stressed to make sure you have a buddy to watch you, then won't drown

OS: they don't have the ability to see the level of karma of a person, quite dangerous in my opinion

LC: This is one of them on offer at th te JT event:-
[Class Description:
Kundalini Tantra (2 hours – All Level)
XX has developed a system of healing yoga he calls Kundalini Tantra Yoga that comes from his many years of personal Yoga mastery and it is the best technique to heal the body fast. Kundalini Tantra Yoga uses tantra and pranayama (breath) simultaneously which is important for energy raising, flowing, moving and balancing. Tantra is raising the energy so that you can use it in your life.
In a short time by using this Yoga technique one can feel the energy working internally and making the glands active. With glands activated, everything becomes flexible because of the amount of oxygen moving inside the body and opening every joint. This can burn the toxins in the body, cleanse the blood and muscles, assist with flexibility and in the long run this Yoga helps the kundalini to rise.]

OS: if you're doing this then you'll be the 2nd after the master in canada, i forgot her name, the one from golden mother court - doing the golden mother yoga
wah, that's scary, i could recall a teacher in the class
teaching us to move the belly and shout AH until the breath are out from the lung
i read from guru's book, that's dangerous since it can actually hurt the organs and shorten the life

LC: I am not teaching yoga but how to calm the mind - as in something like lojong & use breathing techniques for healing. No Yoga. True Yoga has to merge somehow, therefore the karmic angles come into play

OS: that's far more important in my opinion

LC: These ppl's write up is fantastic n truly not reliable n dangerous to believe them

OS: from what i've seen here, the teachers can only teach physical yoga
but their fb statuses are updated with emotional unstabilities hahahaha

LC: yes, just execises. but in meditation, its mindset n breathing

OS: ya, you teach la slowly the immersion into daily activities, the mahamudra
i bet many TBS students will point arrows at you ahahaha
they will be very very jealous

LC: if u read my entering the water plane carefully, I can instantly bring myself into Water

OS: yes. that isn't easy

LC: thats mindset n speaks of a Trained Mind

OS: and your icy plane is a testimony to guru's old article

LC: Hahaha! Guru has an article about this?

OS: he wrote to bring the icy lake into the head when the kundalini fire is burning too hot
and your article explains the "image" actually

LC: I read one that went to the water world to visit some life forms

OS: the fiery and vibrating red orbs turned into sea green
after reading your article i could relate to that

LC: wow! in fact, the force field around me is like fire waves, vibrating outwards

OS: that's why the healing article is super informative
i'm thankful to guru to meet you

LC: n I am left with outlines dividing inside n outside, otherwise I am hollowed out

OS: that I can get clarifications over obscured information

LC: So desu
Find that article n we share on blog

OS: it's in bahasa, i'll search the old .doc and inform you later
LC: maybe to stop ppl from getting deceive about the Kundalini yoga, I might share the actual scenario about the 2serpents n the central orb of light they "guarding"
guru told me to keep quiet about that one, as time is not good to share that

OS: yes, he hasn't explained that in public
LC: I am getting real spook about guru explaining about entering icy plane n I even write how to learn to cultivate this way by immersing self over the head in water to learn n memorise the feel. Geeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

OS: people will be very angry thinking that you overstep guru if you share about that
just in time? when the energy is too yang

LC: actually guru said that the Boddhicitta fluid is frozen at our Tian Xin - inside forehead.
the fire building up will melt it and the fire n liquid will merge at heart chakra, opening the 8 petal lotus there

OS: i read somewhere, that fluid is very highly regarded by those practising dark arts
they will hunt the fluid from the corpse

LC: ya. but without being pure n without boddhicitta, these wont melt

OS: so, it really means something toward internal cultivation

LC: O! then they wont get it as I believe that this fuild only exist for those that cultivate Boddhicitta. Like the chakras n channels, need to cultivate to have them appear

OS: i have the same thought as you
i think it's actually invisible and only occur during internal cultivation only

LC: It is indeed shocking to see them categorised Yoga in so many sections. Knows how to make $ by making u think u are learning something different

OS: just like the fire in the dan-tian, it has to be cultivated to spark
hahahahahaha yessss!!!!!
crazy leh
so many people are willing to spend money for that

LC: So guru didn't talk about the Kundalini serpents n the heart chakra yet? no wonder, I am to keep quiet for a while...

OS: i was offered a free ticket last year, but I couldn't join the workshop
all chakras have been explained but I didn't recall he explained the serpents in detail
i don't know if he's ever written about the serpents in his previous mahamudra books

LC: Ya. I listened to that one about the chakras recently, n how many petals are the lotuses n where

OS: must be under the Six Yogas of Naropa topic
i'm sure it wont be published in bahasa

LC: hehe. but I shared with you liao la

OS: ya le hahaha
oh ya, many people speak about chakras during yoga class
i just smiled at them

LC: If i explain to u clearly, u might be able to do the artwork too

OS: the hardest being the crown chakra of 1000 petals grin
have you ever read the original hevajra tantra text?

LC: its like.................
no. only guru's book

OS: i came into chance to read the preliminary text in the internet, and the explanation from buddha shakyamuni is totally super advanced, i couldn't imagine them hahaha
greatly thanks to guru for simplifying them

LC: the tips of these lights are like fingers dancing ............

OS: the beauty of the moving energies

LC: well, when M described what she saw inside me, I got the visuals from "reading" or Scanning her

OS: M is a great addition to the team

LC: something like reading her mind or seeing thru her "eyes"
Yes. we scan each other n help each other along

OS: both of your eyes can see and analyse deeper
while we can only guess
but that comes with greater responsibilities

LC: when she looked at me the other day, she said she saw the 2 pyramids stack sharp points touching each other, like when I did that visualization in Melbourne.

OS: like the taught by guru in sydney

LC: She asked whether I have those thoughts of kalachakra. I said: No. But guru said when u yoga, the yidam wont ever leave you.

OS: true

LC: ya. we flew to melbourne the next morning after the kalachakra event in sydney
in sydney, i visualise one on another but sharp point on the base of the top one n not with one inverted so that sharp points meet. she saw those pyramids projected in front of our beds.

OS: it explains how the mind actually projects the thought

LC: the next evening, i inverted the top one to make them meet at the sharp tips. n I passed a red rod of light from the center of the bottom one to the center of the top one, n this rod holds both pyramids in place too as they spin

OS: means that practising yogi really should be mindful of the thought

LC: Yes. Guru already said the mind and qi - wind or air

OS: that's why the fire is lighted up?
from the friction of the two tips?

LC: so whats the point of doing yogic exercises without training mind n regulating n controlling breathing?

OS: that's my point!
it's like a man with only one foot

LC: No. I lighted the fire from the lower pyramid with the AH syllable

OS: he lost the other foot

LC: I just form 2 triangles with both feet in lotus pose n both arms joint at the top of my head as the top triangle, n the meeting point is my heart chakra

OS: no wonder the fire can burn your restlessness

LC: hehe! i always warn students to not light fire before they are ready. If can’t do 9 steps breathing properly, it is suicide to light fire

OS: yes ne, like our friend ZZ
and the master in MS who taught about lighting the fire
my friend YY was also taught to exercise that
i said to him don't play with that first
i wonder why would master TT taught him, he should look at the level of the recipient before teachings inner tantra

LC: Its ok as master TT cant yoga too
n he cant control the fire if he can get the wind to light it at all
people thinks when he can teach inner tantra means he is powerful n so must give him more $$$
guru said most cant yoga with him

OS: these people are all after power, really such a pity

LC: Think: when one can yoga with guru, will he be dark in color n also very sentient minded n guard territories. he was the one that prevents me from setting up in JR

OS: the followers would of course follow the master's mindset if not being careful and logical

LC: ZZ already showing the face of animal realm, especially of Greed, so he cant light fire too.
n no master can help u light up as well!

OS: master TT is actually very rich, why he hinders others would make him even funnier

LC: Control!!!

OS: post power syndrome as ex-ceo hahaha
dear lord

LC: remember my SN trip? their spies report immediately after saturday evening session
they complained that I should not use english as there is a 95% chinese majority
n I explained in both languages n also in visualization too

OS: so that's the case?

LC: just make noise to create unhappiness n prevent me from going there.

OS: too funny to be reasonable!

LC: I dont blame them as TT was present when I gave my maiden speech in seattle
that speech about boddhicitta n transforming all beings into Guru truly scare lots of ppl.
a one year old in TBS, share Mahamudra!!!

OS: no lama has ever spoken about "method"
aiii no wonder, you're so easy to incite jealousy from your peers

LC: all theory from Guru n they just use those and show off to the ignorants
u see like LL, copied LM’S speech n contents. he sort of write down n reproduces them
as to actual meaning --- he really don’t have much of an idea
so if i will to ask him questions on his speech, he will really be in Hot spicy soup

OS: ahahaha, true

LC: U have heard the vm giving speeches in seattle after saturday's session, how many truly understand cultivation n the relevant n ever changing visuals?

OS: sweating all the way up
very rarely watched the vm part way back then
most are boring speech

LC: n our JH found padmasambhava's statements to back me up too
hehe... so I am not a liar at all!!!!
enlightenment is actually when u see light like JH

OS: this school becomes a big burden to its founder leh hahaha

LC: ya. but Guru can void all these easily
ppl still think guru dont know their sinful or evil deeds

OS: that's it!

LC: u have a good look at VV, then write down what u see.

SN is a different kettle of fish. he is like JH after he see dazzling light n felt himself float up
O! SN donated 10% of the commission as promised from a property deal which he asked help for. I taught him to guiyi the earth gods for those units.

OS: i don't actually like what i saw
especially the way he smiled. the smile is scary. the eyes are as well

LC: Yes. pretty obvious n greedy n devious ya. very calculative demeanour

OS: exactly, that's the word
like someone who can... devour or swallow anything
very very obvious in that photo

LC: Devious n calculative ---like plotting something to cheat you out

OS: i always remember what guru said
if you don't change your behaviour, it will be imprinted in your face and will become more obvious as you age
now i'm seeing it everywhere

LC: Guru explains true yoga again..... very interesting titbits too
did u get the link to the speech today?

Remember to be careful when you think you can get something from these commercial yoga lessons. Please find out what is Yoga and Inner Tantra. Without good basic fundamentals, do not attempt to enrol for these classes as you might be dropped into a dark abyss or trap in some unknown void and can't return at all.
Means you lost part of your spirit and you live the rest of your life like a zombie or walking dead.

If you need to exercise and find the yogic regime suitable, by all means go ahead. However, the meditation part, please be cautious & mindful of dangers.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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