
Friday, September 7, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - Translation & Accuracy


Facebook Chat:-

OS: and the repositioning article has also been done in bahasa
for each book they pick several articles that are published in tbsn central
LC: ok. so you should translate the bahasa ones to english n share la
OS: sure
LC: I spent so much time translating the repositioning article lol smile
so my english version clearer or the bahasa one?
OS: bahasa is much clearer, but the english is okay
only one part which i'd like to inquire
LC:  had much experiences in Repositioning too. Just feel my eyelids can't stay open, then I closed them & Viola! I am somewhere n I ask where am I? Hehe
OS: jiancai asks: How to define Buddha?
I replied: Dropped from the bottom of a Black paint pail.
the indonesian version (in english) is:
LC: do you know these are Zen answers?
OS: "like fallen leaves in the bottom-most of the black paint pail."
only the "fallen leaves" part was omitted from your translation
LC: then my version is more accurate!
OS: sometimes i wonder the indo version is ratherrrr.... hmmmm...
i was comparing "the dropped from" or "dropped into"
LC: Hahaha! Think! what does it means about dropping from the bottom of a black paint pail?
OS: it can't be seen, but if you dip your hand into the pail then you will know grin
LC: 健財問:「如何是佛?」
我答:「黑漆桶底脫落。」Black Paint Pail bottom dropped away.
read the theme of Guru's teachings in this article.
break away or Release from samsaric cycle la
OS: omg then the indo version is so misleading
LC: so do u still think the bahasa one is clearer now? smile
OS: it actually means the leaves drop into the bottom of the pail
which actually the leaves got out from the pail
LC: no leaves at all mentioned in this answer by Guru. I gave u the exact translation.
OS: dear lord
LC: translating an article needs your Heart.
OS: now i can confirm that the translator is a real weirdoo lol
LC: there is a theme or motive that guru wants this student to understand n execute
OS: the beauty of the mandarin languange... it's a poem to decipher
the middle of the articles explains the whole topic
LC: this translator added LEAVES to the answer!!!!!
OS: no wonder only that part sounds so weird to me
LC: Very very creative!!!
the translation should not vary too much from mine la.
OS: "met with plenty of hurdles" or "plenty of failures" ?
LC: 遭受挫折頗多 --挫折 set-backs to be exact
OS: ok, it's clear then, the only problem is the "pail" stuff hahaha
LC: i think i will change the word to Set back
Dear all, here's a tip to reading Guru's articles or listening in and watching Guru's Dharma Speeches - 
1. complete the article or speech and find the Key/Keys that Guru wants us to know and study
2. repeat reading or watching to check for more keys
3. Now try to translate this article or write a summary in any language you are proficient in.
4. You can share online and get feedback and start a discussion too.
This should be the way to learn and I have yet to see this happening!
The sharing and open discussion. 
If you read the Bahasa Indonesia translation mentioned above, would you have understood what Guru is trying to teach Lotus Jian Cai & indirectly, all of us?
I have shared many times about Guru coming personally, astrally, to teach us when the time is Ripe, no matter where we are!
Let us take the Setbacks or failures in Lotus Jian Cai's life as repaying his karmic debts. Therefore, seems he has paid up most and Guru reaches out to him to teach him how to break away from Samara.
The story also further strengthen the Guru & student link of taking refuge.
Also to have absolute faith & trust in one's root guru to guide you personally in your cultivation, where ever you might be residing. Which affirmed that our Root Guru, a Living Buddha, is everywhere and always with you.
I stated that when we take refuge, Guru starts to reside in your heart chakra. Do you believe me now?
Sometimes, it is not that I don't know or don't want to share online; it is to avoid Ignorant from creating negatives by ridiculing my sharings or calling me crazy or a liar. 
I humbly suggest that all cultivators aspiring to Yoga, start with equipping yourself with Budhha's Basic Ideology like the 4 Noble Truths.
Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

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