
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - Healing

This may sound truly bizarre to many but with diligently cultivation, this is truly possible.

M said: Your aura is made up of fiery orange & red & yellow. There are red, orange & yellow orbs of light within you. They are vibrating too.

From reading pulse the Traditional Chinese Medical way, liver is too Yang and need to input Ying to balance for good health.

The remedy is to increase intake of food rich in Ying energy.

Many cultivators are too hasty with pushing through in cultivation and lighting up inner fire.
However, like the Universe, one need to maintain the balance of Ying & Yang energy levels to stay healthy and well to cultivate smoothly or successfully.

When I shared techniques of playing with the Sun & Moon, I presented them together and not singly. This is to ensure you know how to increase Ying & Yang energy to achieve a Balance.

Now I am going to share my personal experiences in adjusting my own Ying & Yang energy.
A word of caution though, you need good fundamentals in cultivation to do the following successfully or with desired results.

Hahaha! Believe it or not, you only need to do 3 deep & long breathing.
Yes! Breathing in slowly to fill your whole body and exhaling to share the energy you drew with all around you.

I moved myself into plane of "icy cool water". Light crystalline blue with light tinges of sea-green stripes of light. Then breathing in slowly to fill self from top to toes.
As I exhale, I "command" all skin pores to open widely and release these light-energy.
The process comes with a joy too, oozing from me.

Just repeat for 3 times and there is a tremendous different in your aura.
Mine became light blue with the sea-green strips. Waves of blue light that soothed.

Hahaha! It was fun too!

M is a qualified TCM physician and also able to read auras in colored light forms.

I shared these to encourage all to look inwards and help yourself.
Please concentrate on the foundation first, as you can then vary according to situational requirement.

:) Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.
Lama Lotuschef

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