
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lotuschef in Contemplation – Resource Path

by ADMIN on AUGUST 15, 2012
Guru talks about this one on 12 August 2012 at Rainbow Villa in Seatlle.
This is the First stage or level of cultivation – Resource Path.
The Second is the cultivation of 4 Preliminaries.
These are some of my observations and readers may choose to differ.
Why cannot Yoga?
Well, this is one of the most common reason why!
You did not even pass the first level, and that is Resource Path!
I have shared the different stages of cultivation in this blog quite long ago.
Resource Path consists of
1. clearing one’s karmic negatives;
2. building affinity with all beings;
3. acquire knowledge of Basic Buddha Dharma
4. learning and executing caring, compassion for all in your immediate vicinity and slowly expanding to cover wider areas.
You can start from home first.
Are you on good and caring terms with all within your residence?
Are you filial to your parents or grandparents?
I know of some that can’t even be bothered to offer incense once a day to their ancestors at home! They asked for the Ancestral tablet to be removed.
Pure Karma is doing Ancestral Offerings this 18 August 2012, with a fire puja and yidams are Padmakumara and Ksitigarbha. You are welcome to register dedication offering to your ancestors. Details from Special Event on www.
Do you do offering to Deities that you enshrined at home?
Now, those at work or at school, and etc.
Getting along with people you work or study with?
Next, do you allot time to share with the less fortunate by helping out or volunteering your time and effort at charitable organisations?
Now, when you cultivate, do you dedicate all merits to all sentient beings?
Hahaha! Someone disagreed with dedicating merits to all at this stage, saying they need these merits for Self. They said when they are ready, they will dedicate merits to others.
They also said that they don’t have powers to dedicate to too many!!!
I truly wonder, when they will be ready!!!
Dear readers, let me play the bad guy and disillusion you.
If your mindset is that you need to help yourself first before helping others, with merits of cultivation, then you truly have no idea of Buddha Dharma.
Merits from cultivation is something one can’t see, feel, hear, smell, touch!
Why does everyone thinks to hoard these? Hahaha!
Like Universal energy or power, these are to be shared and like the Dharmacakra, the energy or power is ever moving or rotating.
You don’t even have any idea how to practice Resource Path and you go ahead and chase wild geese all around and come back still at the foot of the cultivation ladder.
Only when you can Step Up and ascend to Preliminaries then you can smoothly and speedily cultivate to Yoga.
Well, Guru said you need to clear karmic negatives to attain Buddhahood. I sincerely hope you have an idea why Resource Path is so important!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef
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