
Friday, August 3, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Vajra Hell! Fixed Karma!

Hi,  A Mi tuo fo.

I'm lian hua G and disciple of the true buddha school XX.

I have committed serveral acts the a punishable by vajra hell and I have fixed karma against me. People are slandering against me and want to kill me.

What can I do to remove this karma?

I have sent a letter to grandmaster Lu, and I need a quick response.

Please help me!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi hum

Lian Hua G

Dear Lotus G, would suggest you seek help at your local chapter.

If as you said, it is Fixed Karma n penalty is vajra hell, why did you commit these acts then? 

Your fastest recourse is to chant 100-syllable mantra n dedicate to all sentient beings which will include your karmic creditors. 
The 4 Preliminaries Practice is the Greatest Repentance practice and you cultivate that studiously chanting at least 108 times of 100-syllable mantra.

Pure karma has compiled this practice in English with special annotations from me on visualization. IF you need one, we can email to you.

Go do some charity work or volunteer at charitable organisation when you have time to spare.

just wait for reply from grandmaster but mean time cultivate regularly.

All of us answers our own karma, so no matter what Grandmaster said, you are the one that has to say sorry and do not repeat what you know is wrong.



**PS: Letters to Guru are all answered by a team tasked to do so. Answers are pretty standardised and technically speaking, the answers are Not what Grandmaster would say. I have taught many to sit and talk to Guru themselves. I hope more can do so.

In my humble opinion, the writer is not genuinely seeking help but putting across a hypothetical scenario. There is a local chapter whereby she alleged she has taken refuge through.
Slandering is not life threatening! If she is so sure anyone is out to kill her, she should go get help from the local law enforcing agencies! She can still write to Grandmaster and also me. Guru and I are so far away from her, and she seeks Long Distance Aid, she is definitely  not pushed for time at all!
Sad to said, she didn't create enough Urgency for her story to be "believable" !

Cheers all.

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