
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Dream & Mind Control

Hello Mama,

I hope I'm not delusional when I'm writing this email huehehe.
I was sleeping like for 2 hours and now I'm wide awake.

Yesternight i was dreaming like we're playing a game in a group consisting of 3 person in a very big scope of horrid building,
and we're always waiting for one another before going to the next difficult phase hahaha. I couldn't remember the first person here, but I know there was someone other than us in the group.

And the dream today was/is the weirdest one.
I was like playing a game and suddenly brought into a scene by a dakini, this time I couldn't remember who it was,
similar to Vajravarahi, but has a very frigtening aura like Lion-faced Dakini.
She transformed into a tree spirit in front of me. Very big tree with so many branches but has the face and countenance of a queen.
She wanted to teach me something but I couldn't remember exactly. Something about "mind".
Afterwards she closed her eyes and remained still and silent like a tree, she then turned back against my direction. 
Then I tried to move around to face her direction again.
After I faced her again, she turned her back against me again, but suddenly I understood and realised that it was my mind that was giving direction to her to turn back, not her will to turn around. This felt really vivid and real.

She then smiled and looked like she understood what I'm thinking. So many deep meaning within the smiles.
Therefore she reminded me again to be very cautious with our mind since the mind is very great and dangerous at the same time.
We can do so many things with our mind.

She sort of reminded me that this is the way we perform bardo deliverance.
It's actually that easy.

The thing you shared with us about using the lotus mudra in the left hand to bardo deliver spirit is no lie!
In this dream, with this dakini, I could recite the long version of teacher's mantra and perform the deliverance and it felt so real until I suddenly awoke from the dream.

Actually, this evening I received the message of a friend telling me that someone from a temple passed away. 
I thought to myself "I'm no one, but why don't I try what big mama has shared with me", I folded a lotus paper and wrote the name of the deceased and the other details in a paper and put it in the lotus.

Afterwards I held the lotus in my right hand with the left hand forming the lotus mudra, I visualised our teacher came and shot a great white light into the lotus. I recited the long mantra subsequently. I added one recitation of Gaowang sutra and dedicate the merits to the deceased and his karmic enemies.
During the visualisation and recitation, I couldn't see anything but I could feel the warmth entering into my body and I knew that help had been extended.
I included this lotus when I burned the lotus with mini edict and incense papers for the earth gods, spirits and karmic enemies.

I woke up this 3:30 am with goosebump all over my head for several minutes.
I could still recall the frightening aura of the dakini but there's a feeling of care from her. Like a mother protecting her son.
I don't know what that is but I can sense.
And I knew that Pure Karma's fire puja was auspicious as well.

I hope I'm not delusional for if others read this letter there's a big chance I'm being laughed at.
Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hum.

OS: i woke up with static electricity on my head for about 5 minutes

LC: Your dream is Mind Control

OS: you're right, like a maneuvering indeed. by the time you touched the mahamudra stuff, everything changes

LC: ya. I am scary indeed. scaring myself no end too!!!
Lojong thingy is what u are experiencing in your dream.
just like my controlling the stars!!! hahaha!

I opened a "huge can of worms" when I sharing Guru's mahamudra teachings!!!
Defined the minute stuff that people overlooked when reading that book which was out in 1998...

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom

Lama Lotuschef

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