
Monday, August 6, 2012

Guru on Mahamudra 3B - 5 Criteria

by ADMIN on AUGUST 6, 2012
Book 51.
Mahamudra is dharma for attaining Buddhahood.
All that wanted to learn dharma from me, must meet 5 criteria:-
First one is to take refuge with [The Holy Red Crown Vajra Master]. Why take refuge?
Because I have already cultivated to True Enlightenment and affirmed Tantric Dharma of Buddhahood. I am Buddha & vice versa, there is no difference. I have Dharma to succor sentient beings and they in turn can attain Buddhahood if they follow my instruction to cultivate. I represent Sangha & vice versa. I am Triple Gems in one body and together with Vajra Master. Therefore refuge with me equals to refuge with [The Holy Red Crown Vajra Master]; and the Triple Gems. To learn Buddha Dharma, one must have belief mindset, without belief or faith in refuge with Sangha, entering Tantrayana is impossible, and cannot get Vajra master’s empowerment transmission and blessing, no strength to yoga, therefore cannot attain any result.
Secondly, Heartfelt Vow, to maintain everlasting cultivation, vow to attain Buddhahood, then return to succor sentient beings. Just like the 4 Immeasurable vows,
• May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness;
this is immeasurable loving-kindness.
• May all beings be liberated from suffering and the causes of suffering;
this is immeasurable compassion.
• May all beings be free of suffering and always stay happy;
this is immeasurable joy.
• May all beings be free of grasping and aversion towards others,
develop faith and equality; this is immeasurable equanimity.
I want those that cultivate my dharma teachings to vow to studiously & diligently cultivate to Buddhahood, with both feet firmly planted on the ground. After attaining Buddhahood still must vow to return to succor sentient beings, to enable all sentient beings to attain Buddhahood. With all attaining Buddhahood, this then is the greatest sincere and heartfelt vow.

Thirdly, is Repentance. As each word &action of all sentient beings are bad karma, each move and thought are undesirable thoughts, which are also bad karma. Sentient ways area basically upside down; illusionary; delusionary; non other that dark karma. Before sentient being cultivates, they are all directed by sentient heart, and do not understand the fundamentals of [natural/inherent purity of mind/heart], present are suffering/worries, hastiness, hindrances, truly nothing positive.
[八大人覺經] 8 Great wise deduction sutra: [Heart is the origin of Evil, Form is the Sin]. When body and heart is immersed in the deepest pool of evil and sin, and one remains unaware. Therefore, employing Repentance, cultivate 4 preliminaries, especially [Vajrasattva’s sadhana], that is Vajrasattva’a 100-syllables mantra, to rid evil karma first.

Fourthly, Offering to one’s Guru or Vajramaster. Since he represents the Triple Gems, True Achrya after accepting your offering will not enjoy your wealth himself, but will in turn redirect or channel these to benefit sentient beings and execute properly dharma services. Using your offering to help you eliminate bad karma and draw blessing. Offering is also one method of Charitable giving, it means wary of sentient realms and samsara. From offering to Guru or Achrya, received blessing and natural will have swift response to cultivation.
Fifth one, swiftly acquired yoga with Guru or Achrya. All that cultivate my Dharma, needs to cultivate Yoga with Root Guru ten can understand the secret that the strength from yoga with lineage gurus being the only way to Buddhahood. This yoga is initial step of Mahamudra. Chanting the enlighten mantra of one’s root guru : [Om Ah Hom. Guru bei. Ah her sha sa maha lian sheng siddhi hom]; forming the respective mudra with right hand as Dhrama speech mudra and left hand as lotus mudra. Visualize lineage Gurus, each sitting in lotus pose, stacking upwards, with the topmost being {Vajrapani}, lowest one as [Root guru lian sheng], following the lineage stacking, each radiating light into the cultivator’s body. This is shown only when one has achieve yoga with one’s root guru, it is the True Wisdom of Mahamudra, completely from diligent invocation of lineage gurus, request for blessing empowerment, need to achieve response and able to communicate, personally received lineage transmission. This then is the secret that is not openly taught.
 Meeting all 5 criteria above, one is then considered a my True Lineage student.

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