
Thursday, August 2, 2012

师尊讲禪定大手印 Guru on Mahamudra [3A]










Summary Translated by Lama Lotuschef.

Guru’s Book 51 pages 13 to 14.

Guru stresses the importance of Meditation and the proper or true version. Once you are able to Yoga, you will under the Ultimate Truth of the Universe and you are the Universe and the Ultimate Truth. You can attain Buddhahood immediately with a Human Body.
MAHAMUDRA (Skt. = Tib. Ch’agch’en), the central goal of Vajrayana Buddhism in the New Tantra tradition.

Completely employing 2 vehicles of [Heart =Mind] & [Technique] as One, to realize the Truth of all matters. The cultivator’s ultimate goal is to attain Buddha hood, ascending on the True Path and this is [Stage of Nirvana], and one completely free self from the Samsaric cycle forever and acquire [Ease and Peace].
A person that has cultivated Mahamudra successfully, has acquired the ability to use  his heart -spirit appropriately in all situation, evidencing his Enlightenment in every move, and he is no longer a sentient being.

Guru has explained:
Based on [Food] – eating in [Offering], Upwards to all Buddhas & Bodhisattvas, Midway for all Heavenly Deities, Downwards to succor the 6 realms of sinful & suffering sentient beings, therefore, Food is [Great Offering], which is Offering in Mahamudra.

Adorning clothes is [armor protection], also [Secretive and Dignified], adorning clothes is [effective instantly] [Dignified] Mahamudra.

As for [Bathing], it is cleansing of hands, legs, mouth and body, [effective instantly] [Clean or Pure] Mahamudra.

As for speech, all languages and sounds become [mantra sound], all speech become chanting mantra, this is [pure speech] of Mahamudra.

As for [Sleep], it is Brightness Yoga, sleep pose is Mahamudra.

The true meaning of Mahamudra is to transform sentient heart to saintly heart, every desire has a corresponding  Mahamudra antidote. Therefore the transformation of sentient to saintly completely eliminate dark karma of ignorance, every strand or bit of sentient dust all vanished, all Truth can continue to connect, can be infinite in meaning, infinite wisdom too.

When one starts to cultivate and vows to attain Buddha hood, it doesn’t matter whether one has [Renounce sentient home] and become a monk or not. After vowing and accepting the [Out of sentient realm dharma] and [Mahamudra] transmission, this person is consider as having [Renounce sentient home] like a monk.
Mahamudra encompassed all Dharma and wisdom in One Body, therefore one that is cultivating Mahamudra is considered as having [Renounce sentient home].

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