
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

师尊讲禪定大手印 Guru on Mahamudra [1]

by ADMIN on AUGUST 1, 2012
Extracted from Guru’s book 51: pages 8 to 9.
Summary:- Translated by Lama Lotusechef.
During a samdhi session, Guru’s lotus throne rises high into Heavens and he has his 5-Buddha Crown atop his head; and there were several Sanghas serving by his sides ascending with him. He met Maitreya and all lineage gurus. Maitreya press on Guru’s head and instruct him to stay in Sentient realm and bear the burden of succoring sentient beings.
He was also instructed to announce to all to pay homage to the lineage gurus’ Mahamudra practices; sincerely vow to repent. Mahamudra represents merits of all Boddhisattvas compassionately turning the Dharmacakra, for the benefit of all.
For those that believe in this; taking refuge, cultivating, are those with affinity to become buddhas.
Guru was tasked by Maitreya to record Mahamudra in writing to aid sentient beings’ purification of Body, Speech, Thoughts. In doing so, enables one to communicate with the Universe.

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