
Monday, July 30, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - 行如光与风 Walking Mass of Light & Wind

CN: fashi dear, i'd like to register for karmic pack for the next saturday puja

do you want me to transfer the fund to your Sgp account, or to keep it in GC's BCA account?

LC: u see if others wants to do the same first then decide,

I wrote n posted the article liao

CN: GC has messaged me as well

we need to update the Registration page, i'll write an email to you and GC

LC: blog views total both > 310 now. I can play liao

CN: nice article! eye opening leh.

so that people really don't need to be so narrow minded

LC: think to control pure karma in any territory? hehehe. we are virtual temple n exist anywhere n also dont exist anywhere.

The article very short n sweet hor?

CN: hehehe yes. readers should get the point

LC: hey dear, today have to shut down at 12mn. Tomorrow 6am guru's speech. I am folding small lotuses again... n i need food too. now the busy bodies should get the point

CN: oh ya ne, 5 am Hahaha. happy resting dear maman

LC: 6am my time. internet cranky again. bye

CN: sayonara ~~~~~

LC: hehehe! Just couldn't sleep!

CN: Hahaha. bat people are too active at this time

LC: wow! I cant sleep u very happy meh

CN: i can't either +_+

LC: ya ya i know. what GM teaches is too good n we all so alert!!!

TN don't understand bodhicitta in cultivation.

that day when GC came out of his room and walked towards me, he is a walking mass of light & wind. shows he improves alot liao

CN: oh he told me

"i practised as fashi taught me... reciting 100 syllable and visualising the light circulates so it's true"

About three or two weeks before the 21 event, when i was doing the sadhana, upon reaching the fourfold refuge, suddenly i felt like the visualisation changed

Guru shooting the white light towards me and i change into light accordingly, being hugged and enter into him [2012/06/11/mani-stones]

Time Samadhi with the appearance of the Sun or later, so that you can see the light and feel the warmth gradually engulfing you, giving you light and warmth. As if being hug by the Universe.]

So several days later when we're discussing about the revision of the liturgy, you said: oh you chose the one like guru, shooting the white light into your heart...

The next day, my friend J (fromSurabaya) translated guru's book on the sadhana of Arhat Pindola. There's a visualisation of Arya Pindola shoots blue light into our heart and we become the blue light and enter into him

So at last it's clarified that the visualisation of guru hugging me into the light isn't weird stuff. After reading the translation, i was like "oh... what happened..." hahaha

LC: hehehe. so fashi teaches you all from my own experiences n same as guru will teach too?

CN: things like this, only for mad people

yes ne. jigong's mad stuff lol

LC: my desktop gone cranky and slow again. I need a new comp

New blog also got problem with Facebook link

I am glad GC cultivates well

CN: getting the Mac Air leh? Light body and easy to travel with

LC: At least he got more confidence to trust me

Ok. Will look for $$$

CN: yes, i'm happy when people cultivate well and become humble too

LC: Just need faith n trust in guru. But many find that so difficult

The new one on lojong very popular. Ppl prefer simplified versions!!!

CN: the extended versions of the ten commandments :)

LC: just read the past lives of guru in the articles I posted again...

I wondered often, why guru always go through such tedious learning n searching n teaching dharma & I, can play until 52 to be recall to work?

All I need do is interpret Guru's works into english to share? That’s a lovely job for this visit to sentient realm!!! Hehehe........

I am going to ask guru some questions too....

CN: oh we are all his extended hands Hahaha

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom!
Lama Lotuschef

Edited 7 Apr 2017

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