
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lotuschef in Chat - Miracles?

These are 2 miracles that Guru worked during the Jakarta event.

An elderly gentlemen who is hard of hearing and a young lady that had an accident at age 7 to her left eye. Both are not True Buddha Students but relative of Lotus SM, who brought them to the Jakarta event and registered them for lotus offering for the Fire puja. They came for the Repentance session but were too tired (for the seniors) so didn't stay on for the fire puja in the evening.

Believe it or not, just sitting there during repentance session also helped these 2 persons.


Facebook chat:-

LC: SM has not contacted helen till now! Wonder whether the medical consultation is good or not.

CN: oh she sent me message 2 days ago

her father's operation might cost so expensive to be performed, and the possibility of healing is only 60%. around $45,000 if I could recall correctly

LC: then leave it lol

CN: ya la

LC: he is so old liao anyway

CN: yes. and very hot-tempered

LC: don’t hear is also good for Self. Guru said don’t see hear speak is good.

CN: SM said she's trying her best to ignore when he get angry without reasons

unfortunately the father can't think the way you think hahaha

LC: then cultivate n place him by her side n things will improve. Guru will bless him with light n he will tame down

Guru turns out to be Padmasambhava's guru too

CN: i will tell her so, so that she can always remember to put his dad virtually around her

yes, vice versa hehe

can't bear to see the gramma in the bed T_T huhuhuhuuuu

Amitabha [he saw the photos of the old folks home we visited inJakarta.]

LC: hahaha.


I have been good today, so I am off to play liao!!! hehehe!

I did 7 today, not bad

I slept for a while and then woke up and started reading & writing! Back to my own time-clock liao! Seems u also stayed up to early morning! Hahaha! Recovered from our invasion in Jkt!!!!

CN: lol

back to healthy life to be exact

apalah you, maman... sounded so jet-lagged wuikikiki

LC: hehehe!

I think the heat in jkt was real bad lol

At least I am back to writing again!!!

and loving every minute of it!

CN: yes, real bad, so panas

but the event was so auspicious

all ulcers in the mouth have gone

and there's a feeling of lightness as well

LC: try to share more on personalities in guru's past lives and doing research as well

Sure la! Repentance is always great n what more with the greatest repentance as per guru

CN: yes ne

next translation will be the lojong aphorism

great sharing

LC: Lama Umapa - mentioned too in guru's book as Manjushri transmission n sharing

hahaha! they just somehow link, so I posted the info only

CN: ah never heard about that name


CN: SM’s father now uses the hearing aid from guardian, and doesn't need to yell anymore when speaking [Lotus Helen recommended the hearing aids and works well for SM's father.]

LC: good. cheap but good lol

CN: the niece has got her eye nerves grow again

LC: ok. good

CN: doctor said she has the chance to recover

two happy news

LC: see repentance n subscribing to lotus offering is good n they have good news

CN: yes ne



Pure Karma

Lama Lotuschef

True Buddha School

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