
Monday, July 30, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - Individual's Karmic Debts

Blue light can suppress one's poisons, which halt the creation of Karmic Debts.

These are common questions asked of me: Fashi, why Shizun knows that these people are lying, cheating and harming fellow students, yet leave them be?

Why Indeed?

Guru said: 因果自负!means one answers for one's own karmic deeds!

The recent saga with regards to the Dragon Robe Sheng Ji Practice, is a good example!

A student came and asked me how he can write to Shizun/Guru to get help. I told him that nowadays letters to Guru are intercepted/read by a team assigned to do the task. Therefore, it is better to sit down and talk to Guru by invoking Guru's presence. I reminded him that Guru is with him all the time too!
In a previous incident, he asked me about changing jobs and I told him to wait a while as time is not ideal yet.
When I return from oversea, upon sighting him, I scolded him for not listening to me!
Hahaha! He was real shocked as he has just tendered his resignation that morning and only he and his spouse knew about it!
Guru truly knows everything! Not me though. :)

Well, he went home and did as I instructed. That was a Saturday evening.
Guru spoke about the Requirement for Sheng Ji practice in Seattle the next afternoon, at the last part of his Dharma Speech and this has no relevance to the other part of his speech on Hevajra's Practice at all! He said: He did this practice from 20+ years of age, FROM HIS HAT TO HIS SHOES!

For those that still think Guru don't know what's happening or can't hear you, Please wake up and have confidence and Trust Guru to guide you and do not be misled by anyone else. Listen Only to Guru!

Accept that your own ignorance and greed led you astrayed. Accept that if any one of your Karmic foes over-exact payment from you, they landed owing you!

Read Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare? Exactly one pound of flesh, no more no less! :)

Hahaha! This is one statement I used to remind Karmic foes of those seeking help from me.
I said: Please be aware that when you over-exact or over-collect from anyone, you landed up paying the penalties only. Therefore, let go of all these and follow Grand master Lu, to pureland and leave all sufferings behind now.

Lotus AA asked me last evening about massive floods in China and other natural disasters, are they Collective Karma? I said: Yes!

If XX's team is out to cheat and mislead for personal gains; and not practicing honestly and as taught by their Root Guru; they are perceived to have broken or breach vows of Samaya.

The samaya (TibetanTibetan: དམ་ཚིག, Wyliedam tshigJapanese and Chinese: 三摩耶戒, sanmaya-kaiSānmóyéjiè), is a set of vows or precepts given to initiates of an esoteric Vajrayana Buddhist order as part of the abhiṣeka (empowerment or initiation) ceremony that creates a bond between the guru and disciple.

If Guru didn't empower XX, and he went ahead and execute any practice not authorized - He breaches Samaya and those that support him are in it with him, all the way.
When XX got empowerment from Guru, but he did not adhere to Guru's instruction in execution, he also breaches Samaya and those that support him are in it with him, all the way.

To all, just wait for Karma to ripen, do not exact any "revenge" or take any actions; just Watch the wonders of Karma Unveils!

No one gets away from his own karma, no matter what he choose to think to the contrary!

[To those that somehow took sides and hit out without knowing the Truth, at True Sanghas which are part of Triple Gems; you have breach Samaya!

To those that tried to talk about Disciplines but also ignorant of what they are doing, you also breaches Samaya!

Finally, to all that stood up and supported those that Had Breach Samaya, you all became part of Collective karma created by the leader.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom!

Your only recourse is to break away immediately and repent sincerely!]


Cheers all.


Lama Lotuschef

Pure Karma

True Buddha School

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