
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - 贪与龙袍 Greed + Dragon Robe

Follow me on yet another journey with Guru and Buddha Dharma....

Do any think that Guru will allow anyone to use a gift of his to lie and cheat sentient beings? 

2011/05/01 21:50:57


無上尊貴的蓮生法王龍袍,龍氣飽滿,拿來做生基是最好的,加上師尊親自簽名和加持,錯過就太可惜了,蓮生法王穿過的龍袍法力宇宙超級大,龍袍上除了蓮生法王的簽名,還有吉祥和進財四個字,這已經是很難得的機緣,蓮生法王慈悲聖弟子,才有這樣大福金剛 (師尊)的賜福。 

[The above affix great universal power and auspiciousness to a Dragon Robe worn by Shizun; endorsed by signing and blessing it; there are lettering of  Jixiang - good luck and smooth path; JingCai - enter wealth; it's a rare opportunity added with Dharma King's compassion for saintly students; resulting in Great auspicious vajra  (Shizun) giving blessing of auspiciousness. ]

Extracted from : [ Apr 03 ] Sarira & Greed [1]

[My humble believe is that Sarira should not be bought at high prices just because you crave it and attribute it with great powers.
The Craving is actually Greed, one of the 3 poisons.
It also denotes Attachment to certain material and Fixation of adhering them with Power.
You believe they have Power to grant and execute your wishes!

The Purity of Sarira were polluted by the 3 Poisons of Greed; Ignorance and Hatred.

Ignorance in perception of power when Sarira are in your possession, created a craving to possess, which is Greed. Hatred derives from Greed of Power, which one thinks will elevate one above others.
If you love all sentient beings then you do not want to have power over them or be above them, correct?

To those that follow others’ without being Mindful of what and where you are heading, please sit back and reflect on your life before and after the possession of these Sariras!

Have they improved your life?
Having them helps you in cultivation?
Possession elevated your status?
You Ego has advanced because you think you have powers that others didn’t have?]

The same thing happened here but instead of Sarira, in its place is the Dragon Robe! The sales pitch is real fantastic.

However, in the Dragon Robe saga, the marketing team is headed by senior titled masters and jiangshi (blue collar - Dharma speaker).

Dear all, do you agree it is time to throw away Attachment and Fixation?

Why didn't listen to Guru instead and cultivate diligently?

When you do so, you will not need any of these special blessing but instead can share universal blessing with all.

Make Guru real happy now, just WAKE UP!

See you all again!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited 2 July 2017

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