
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - Fengshui & Fortune Tellers

These are stories from fellow student all over that consulted XX and his team.

CJ: Btw, my brother told me, last year he and his business partner went consulting with Mr. XX in KG temple.
All answers from Mr. XX went 180 degree against the reality. The investment they put on karaoke business of other else partner went bad, not as XX predicted.

And I do pity Ms. M as well, XX said she was to find her soulmate very soon. Luckily she's of a strong character and not easy to get depressed. I hope Guru and Maharaja Avalokiteshvara would send a good husband for her real soon hehehe :D

QL: Their altar's position was recommended by XX. Things didn't improve for them in business too.

MT: XX went in and walk one round and came out in less that 5minutes.

QL's & MT's altars, reset by me as a favor as they got problems. However, I will not reset any more altars set by XX without asking a hefty fee! If you can afford to pay XX to mess up, then you should be able to afford a higher fee for me to clean up, correct?

Guru announced that Not Even One Student From True Buddha School ask to learn Fengshui from him!

However, most are making lots of money giving Fengshui consulting services!!!

How many will still get cheated if Guru didn't announce that he never teach anyone Fengshui, so anyone claiming to be practicing Guru's Fengshui skills are all cheats out to make fast money from ignorant sentient beings, do you agree?

To think that there are ignorants still gullible enough to speak up for these cheats just because they happened to be fellow students!!! Hahaha!

Trust Guru to take relevant actions, to protect those innocents from being cheated or harm though.

I noticed that there are some just supports blindly and didn't bother to read what were written!

They seem to perceive they have to take revenge on somebody and went to support XX's and team without practicing any discretion.

I sincerely hope they understand what is Collective Karma.

Still the same advice: - Do you need to consult someone on Fengshui? Aren't you cultivating?

Remember that Once you walk too deep into Mara's territory, you might find that all doors are shut for you to get out.


Pure Karma

Lama Lotuschef

True Buddha School

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