
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lotuschef at Play - Dragon Robe Shen Ji [5] The End.

Green lotuses, full of Dharma Treasures.

We journey once again exploring Buddha Dharma.....

Without Prejudice!

The Dragon Robe Saga:- Finale....

Hi all

A local chapter posted the clarifications to the Dragon robe sheng ji fa.
Read it and look at it as they say with discretion.
The problem still remains - Does Guru knows only a name list will be placed in the robe?
The hair nails blood ...... are not used?
Guru will sign on anything if one asked for blessing, as he said he wants to leave a part of him with you. [Remember that article - Guru's great compassion.?]
What about the other identical ones? those done in Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia and etc.

Forwarded to me: [I think this one, bcoz posted today:]

At least this shows that they are aware they have to answer their customers and not threaten law suit to shut their customers up!
For those that subscribed to this one or bought this one, looks like you have to accept their explanations!
As to those in other areas, they have to go and seek answers themselves.


Well, let us sit back and recap recent development, shall we?

What did we learn?

From Guru's speech, he asked all present whether he taught the Sheng Ji Fa?

The unanimous answer were: NO!

Guru also said he didn't transmit his Fengshui skills to anyone as none of them ask. However, when he asked them, they said passed down from ancestors!

Therefore, it is reasonable for those that paid hefty sum, to seek clarifications after hearing Guru's speech, because they felt cheated!

However, the chapter's personnel that contacted them told them what they did was for protection only and not what the Sheng Ji Fa stood for! But they paid upon what Sheng Ji Fa stood for! [One can get info on these from the web.]

They were threatened with Law Suits because the representative said they should not inform other clients that have also bought these Products! They were also told that if they sue these clients that write in for refund, they will sure win!!! There were threatened with penalties of $400K in compensations and legal cost too!

Do you concur with Service personnel's "bullying" attitude towards their clients?

Psychologically speaking: Fear makes a person violent! Fear of exposure of misdeeds!

Hahaha! What did we learn?

1. Retailers must appease their clients and not force their clients to seek clarifications through the Courts!

2. Clients here all bought a product without Full understanding and placed their trust on the retailers, because the retailers have Form from Sentient Minded Preconception.

3. Sentient Minds will galvanized to any Get Rich Quick method sold to them.

4. In my humble opinion, the chapter should ask for donations to build a temple instead of selling all kinds of "gimmicks" with all kinds of "promises" or "guarantees"; do you agree?

5. Whether a temple gets build or not depends on whether having it will help succor more sentient beings or not? Definitely not a poschly build one to attract the Rich and Famous!

6. Lastly, I hope that One will truly stop rushing to grab at something because others attributed it with "super power" to help you "get rich quick"!

It is prudent to maintain Cool Calm Clear mind always and especially for a cultivator, do you agree?

Hahaha! This morning, students rushed in with their opinions just like Lotus JY from the Titles; Sentient Mindset: .... series of articles.

If this case turn out that they really cannot provide satisfactory answers, do we close our eyes, minds and hearts, and let them continue with their programs of selling their products to yet more Innocents?

Why did Guru said we have to abide By the Law of the Land?

Human lives is at stake and would you still consider the reputation of TBS?

Guru said we should not protect ferocious animals to the detriment of Human Lives, correct?

Therefore, in the case of the priest that rape young boys, Guru will not hesitate to hand him over to the Law and think nothing of trying to protect the reputation of an Institution!

Do not affix attachment to Fame, name, and draws prides from them!

This is what Renunciation is about! Seeing through all these Illusory Sentient Materials which can lead one into Great Sufferings!

Still that same humble suggestion: Do you need it? Don't follow others blindly.

Cheers all.

A reasonably acceptable conclusion to this saga! We learnt how lots of Sentient Minds reacted immediately to threat of "perceived danger" , what a great experience!

See you again!

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited 25 Sep 2016


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