
Sunday, July 15, 2012

师尊讲生基法 Guru on Sheng Ji Fa

Listen in to Guru's Dharma Speech in Seattle 14-7-2012. 

Today, Guru talks about Sheng Ji Fa. 

To all that have doubts, Guru is telling you he knows what is happening and Every thing will be alright. 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom!

Sheng Ji Fa - One can do many times. 

Guru said he started when he was about 20+. 

He did them from Hat to Shoes! Means this practice needs one's representative essence from Head to Toes! 

Guru also said doing it right, you get stronger or healthier. However, doing it wrong detracts from your existing strength or health. 

That’s why in Guru previous speech on 23-6-2012, he said that doing it wrong can be fatal.

Now the question is Which Is The Right Version?

Of course Guru’s version!!!

In True Buddha School: –

Anyone doing it without Guru’s empowerment is Not Right, as this is stealing of Dharma.

Anyone with empowerment that do not adhere to Guru’s instructions for this practice, is also Not Right. 

The following is a good, comprehensive and very useful input by Lotus Wee Chong.

Sincerely hope all make good use of his thorough research and appreciate his sharing.

Liew Wee Chong 各位,由于我不善用FACEBOOK,无意中将我自己的COMMENT删掉了。有人以为是狮城雷藏寺删掉的。其实不是这样的。

Liew Wee Chong 据狮城雷藏寺柜台人员告知,他们已经没有办龙袍生基法。现在,师尊在美国彩虹雷藏寺,如果想做生基法,或许,可以寄信至彩虹雷藏寺求师尊做生基。照师尊一向来的作风,费用应该是随意。 关于上述的课题,我本身能讲的是:一切看参加者的动机。

如果你参加的动机是纯粹为了建寺,为了让真佛密法可以弘扬, 那么,我想你大可不理会上述的课题的纷争。您的纯粹的发心会种入阿赖耶识里面。将来机缘成熟,自然会开花结果。            

如果你是想借这个龙袍生基法改变命运,而因为上述的纷争困扰了您,那么,请诸位看师尊所写的改变命运的八种方法:(恭录自师尊文集_甘露法味)                                                  .....我曾經如此說,真佛行者要消災解厄, 得到「替代」和「轉移」,有八種方法:
  八、真空化無。 ......."                                                                     我并不知道师尊有没有传龙袍生基法这样的法.(至少,我读过的师尊的书,文章及视频里是没有接触到)   

我也不知道师尊是否私底下有无传此法。不过,如果各位,为了这件事感到不安,您有很多选择啊。就象上面的八种法,条条大路通罗马.  甚至,您也可去多行善放生。(这是显教的)  本人想向各位表达本人浅见:万法唯心造,一切都是由您的心,去种下善,恶或无记业。我们修行,还是要时时注意自己的心念。 

Dear all, as you may have read the controversy above over the dragon robe shengji dharma, I would like to humbly urge you to consider your motivation, if you participate in this Dharma. It is your mind, that will ultimately plant this seed into your deepest consciousness. It will also be this seed , whether good , bad or neutral , that will eventually ripen and bear fruit in the future, whether in this life or next. If your motivation is purely to help build a temple and to spread the Buddha Dharma, then you can really disregard all the controversy that surrounds this issue. If your motivation is to change your fate through this method and if you are disturbed by the controversy, You have many choices and many methods for you to change your fate. All taught by our grandmaster. May I humbly quote our Grandmaster from the book "Dharma taste of exlixir ," "....... I (Grandmaster Sheng Yen Lu ) had once said before, for True Buddha practitioners to neutralise disasters and difficulties, transferring them away or diverting them away,there are eight ways :
 1) chant the 'High King Avalokitesvara Sutra' for 1000 times.
 2)chant Root guru's mantra for 1 million times  
 3) practise up to 200 sessions of the 'Repentance Dharma' .
 4)do prostrations wholeheartedly in front of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, make offerings to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas ,participate in erecting temples , participate in erecting stupas , participate in the creation and making of Buddha statues.
 5)continuously chant the names of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, until a spiritual response is felt.
 6) observe precepts,meditate and develop powers of concentration and yield wisdom. 
 7) Root Guru undertake to enter into yoga and give blessings to remove or divert away negatives or disasters from a student .  

8) Enter into the state of sunyata( emptiness) and void all disasters and negatives. ..."    

 I do not know whether our Grandmaster had transmitted the Dragon Robe Sheng Ji dharma in public .(At least, I had not seen it in all of Grandmaster's books that I had read or in all the videos that I had seen).

I do not know if Grandmaster had transmitted this Dharma in private.

But , if you are concerned over the controversy, you have other choices.

You can choose a practice from the above eight ways , all taught by our Grandmaster.

All roads lead to rome.

Or, do more charity, be a kinder person and /or do life release practice.

I would like to share with you this teaching from Sakyamuni Buddha : Mind is the forerunner of (all evil) states. Mind is chief; mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with wicked mind, because of that, suffering follows one, even as the wheel follows the hoof of the draught-ox. 

Mind is the forerunner of (all good) states. Mind is chief; mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with pure mind, because of that, happiness follows one, even as one's shadow that never leaves. ----The Dhammapada. I would say you are in safe hands. :)

Liew Wee Chong On a different note on this saga, if you had been following postings on this facebook wall, then , you had noticed that I had removed my earlier postings and had not put them back since.

This is what I would like to say : The Dragon Robe Sheng Ji Dharma itself may come under suspicion due to recent events. But , there are still many who participated in this Dharma, with the pure intention of helping to build a temple and spreading the True Buddha Dharma . It is these people whose intentions that are pure which I salute .

My decision to remove my own postings is mainly due to recognising this group of people and to affirm their pure intentions. They do not have to concern with the controversy that the recent events bring , as their pure intentions will carry them through.

For those who are looking to change fatekthrough this dharma ,like what my earlier postings had said , there are many ways and methods to change one's fate , which our Grandmaster had transmitted . Or if you would like to participate in the Sheng Ji Fate Change Dharma ( the one that was taught by Grandmaster on 23 June 2012 ) , Our Grandmaster is currently in Rainbow Lei Zang Si Temple , USA. You may want to write in to Grandmaster to ask to participate in this Dharma . According to our Grandmaster's usual style, monetary offerings to Him would be any amount that you wish. Do note that should you decide to participate, read up His teachings on 23 June 2012 on the True Buddha News n%wspaper or view them online .

Well, dear readers, think we learn lots about the Truth of Sheng Ji Fa?

Do you all agree that it is Ignorance that resulted in one being susceptible to Material lures of this Sentient Realm?

In my recent articles [ Jul 12 ] Lotuschef in Chat - Sentient Mindset? ; I shared details on the 3 Poisons.

Ignorance is the Leader of these 3.

In this case: Ignorance leads to Greed!

In today's speech: Guru also taught us how to be rid of all 'feelings'  perceived through the 6 roots which is our Heart (not the physical one). That is to Void them all!

Thanks to Guru, we learn yet another lesson!

Let's all thank Guru with : Shizun, we love you very very much!

Cheers al.


Pure Karma

Lama Lotuschef

True Buddha School

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