
Saturday, June 30, 2012

[30-06-2012] Lotuschef in Conversation – Time to Wake Up My Dear Friend?

by LOTUSCHEF on JUNE 30, 2012

Orange is Abundant auspiciousness in True Buddha Sutra. Flowing in everlasting abundance for my dear friend ZG.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom!

This a a dear friend, ZG, that I met about 7 months after refuge in True Buddha School. He took refuge with Guru at an event after reading an event brochure and decided to go have a look.

He reads lots of books on Buddhism.

We found we are like long lost family! Both born in the same year and just 6 months apart.

When I went to Seattle, he came along and help me tremendously.

I went to ask Guru whether my dream of going home to Pureland means I have to renounce sentient home and “join the team at home” in Pureland.

Instead, Guru welcomes me and say good good. Patting me on my shoulders and my head.

Grand mistress asked me about my family and she said I need a medical check up to certify that I am fit and free from any communicable diseases that will infect those sharing the dormitory with me.

I need photos for the application forms for ordination and trainee course. I need to find a doctor to do the relevant medicals.

Thanks to a fellow reverend who brought me to a doctor she consults regularly, I got the medicals done. ZG was the one that rented a car and drove us around to get the medicals and required tests done. We also went to get instant photos from some supermart.

The monk that is in charge, is supposed to help me with medicals but didn’t. His mother gave me contact of a doctor that has already moved away. A week before the Mayura event where I am going to be ordinated, the monk jeered at me and said: I think you won’t be able to chujia  this round!  我看你这次没法出家了!

I answered: O! your mom gave me the doctor’s contact already! [Hahaha! guess how comic he looks then? His mom betrayed him!]

This is the only hindrance to my becoming a lama!

The monk just couldn’t figure who is helping me run around too!

My sincere and deep felt thanks to ZG, my brother, my friend, my fellow student!

I submitted the Ordination application on Wednesday afternoon and took ordination few days later, on Saturday, 5 September 2009. It is ZG’s birthday too!

ZG was the one that showed me his altar from his iphone after RD.

I took a glance but a voice said to me: you remember who set his altar?

Actually, that brief glance, I saw Padmasambhava being squeezed at a corner on the Dragon side, and he is not comfortable, when the photo is taken. I think he left not long after the photo was taken.

I met ZG not often, but every time I see, he don’t look good. Once, his face is very red and he and another student seems to be learning inner tantra, physic heat, from one of XX’s staunch follower, the one who is wearing a wig due to severe balding. I can feel their energies is not right and likely to get burnt. So I just hint hint and caution them to be very careful.

Once I am sharing Bindu Bodhicitta or bright spot 明点菩提心, he came to attend the session and he raised a question which is pertinent, but shows he didn’t understand Buddha Dharma to the level needed for inner tantra. At least, it showed he is paying attention and eager to learn.

As I stopped going to the local temples after seeing the green lights in XX’s eyes, I didn’t get to meet ZG much, except in the airport going to Taiwan to attend Guru’s events.

Sometimes I repent for bringing him into XX’s territories. Hahaha! Guru said these are what he has to go through and I have to wait for time to wake him up.

Guru said there are too many of them, blinded by external forms and artificial packaging, we have to let them walk that path and time will come to pull them out, be it this lifetime or the next or even many subsequent lifetime…

It is not a good feeling to see a dear brother, friend, fellow student, be led down a dark path, however, one do not upset Universal Balance without facing consequences!

I am a coward! No! Knowing Buddha Dharma, everything has to run its course.

Once Guru gives the Green Light, I will act immediately!

My dear brother, please do not walk too far!

Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef
True Buddha School

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