
Friday, June 29, 2012

[29-06-2012] Lotuschef at Play – Grievance Frequency at New High!

by LOTUSCHEF on JUNE 29, 2012

Terjemahan Indonesia: Lotuschef Bermain-main – Frekuensi keluhan yang sungguh tinggi!

The Gold mani stone – my dear buddy, Ksitigarbha has one and the Sun is another! Emerging from a Golden Lotus of great luminosity, Karma is purified!

Lets embark on our journey once again. Remember to bring Guru and your Noble 8 Fold Path!

A grievance is a wrong or hardship suffered, which is the grounds of a complaint.

The recent Truths that finally emerges after Guru’s speech about never transmitting the Sheng ji fa – chance of new and better life method and also Fengshui to any one in TBS!

Many who were told that Guru endorsed their doing the sheng ji fa. In fact a temple did these with a Dragon Robe supposedly gifted by Guru for this practice!

Well, it seems the hundreds of students that paid hefty sum for themselves and their family for this method of changing one’s destiny for a much improved one, were tricked and somewhat cheated!

What is their recourse?

Make a complaint to the local authorities and seek refunds?

Jointly take our civil suits against the temple?

I know that some borrowed money to subscribe to this practice.

Grievance Levels are high and reached Guru already!

How to settle this matter amicably?

All these resulted from Greed on all sides, however, a place where Buddha Dharma is supposedly shared should not lie to get monetary returns.

Those going to temples expect to be treated with honesty.

Ever consider the Karmic returns of such massive cheating and dishonesty?

Selling Buddhas?

My humble advice: Apologise to all involved and try to give them refund as well.

What is the Future of this temple? Ask Guru!

The team of masters that went round giving Fengshui/personal consultation every time they hit town, they reap much too. For those that had Renounce Sentient Home, or opted for Monkhood, the Precepts of lying and cheating is not to be ignored. Act fast to make amends and succour yourselves.

With high grievances against you, there is no escape at all!

[**PS: For those that were given false information about Root Guru endorsing the practice and also believe that the respective masters and personnel of the temple had the relevant empowerment transmission from Root Guru, this is my humble suggestion:

First write to the temple that weren't Truthful and misrepresented about the Dragon Robe Chance of new and better life method [龙袍生基法]; ask for a refund and settle amicably. As a member of a big family, try to keep all these out of the Courts. ]

Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef
True Buddha School

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