
Thursday, June 28, 2012

[28-06-2012] Lotuschef at Play – Compassionate Nun not Monk

by LOTUSCHEF on JUNE 28, 2012

Let us begin our journey again on the Noble 8 Fold Path.

True Buddha Tantra Dharma is the Longevity Elixir! Green signifies Dharma Treasures and in this article :- The Noble 8 Fold Path.

In the 5 Elements – Green is Wood or Feng [Wind].

Let me gives some background history first….

1. Monk SR warned Nun LC on her first day as trainee in a temple : Guru said I have HORNS! See how I am going to “take care” [对付] of you. [The Chinese words means he will take care of ill-treating Nun LC or stepping on her!]

Nun LC was shocked by this attack of hostility on her first day!

Another Nun XM started asking SR, why he threatened and try to frighten a new trainee. They started a heated argument then.

Well, Nun LC recovered from the shocked and smile and walked away!

I wrote about this story previously. LC used key points from Diamond Sutra to defused this hostile attack!

2.  SR came up to Nun LC again. Coincidentally, Nun XM is also present. Both nuns were cleaning the altar and changing offerings on the Main altar where their Root Guru’s picture resides on the “Dharma Throne”.

SR said to Nun LC loudly, you are so filthy rich, you build temple la, build temple then Guru will promote you to Acharya.

Hahaha! This time, Nun LC  just stared at him for a while with a smiling face and walked away to continue her chores.

Once again, SR and Nun XM started yet another heated arguments. It seems Nun XM said SR is too much already, misappropriating temple’s fund; accepting bribes for special privileges with Guru; his mother also his co-conspirators; ………

SR shouted loudly for Nun XM to shut up immediately or else punished her with kneeling to Joss-sticks [means kneel until the time that joss-sticks burn out. Can be an hour or more.]

3. Being unused to the cold weather where the temple is located, Nun LC caught a cold.  She passes SR on the steps down, going away from the temple. SR was ascending towards temple proper. He said: You are too filthy rich, if you give me all your $$$ then you will not be sick! 财多身子弱![means being too rich, one naturally has a weak body or constitution.]

Hahaha! The Greedy Monster with Horns showing his true facade!!!

Nun LC was instructed by Monk L, JY’s good friend, in her home town, before she goes for ordination and training,  to give offering to SR and buy him meals, when she meets him. She will have a smoother time if she does so. SR likes unlimited servings of food, therefore treat him Buffet meals so he can eat all he likes and any amount he likes. 

Well now! Does SR means he cast something on LC to make her ill? If so, did he do it so that she will hand over all her $$$ to him?
Wow! Wee! This SR is truly SCARY!!!

4. Nun LC was with a group of fellow students and nuns, returning to their dormitory. SR drove into the lay-by and parked the temple’s car. Upon seeing Nun LC happily singing with the group, he said to Nun LC :   你还笑得出, 赫赫! 我还没有发镖呢![means: you can still laugh so happily, herher! I still have not fire darts yet.]

Nun LC Smilingly said : 出家人慈悲为怀![means one that has renounced sentient realm, always has a compassionate disposition.]

SR: 慈悲为怀? 哼! [Compassionate disposition? Hen! (sneers) - he means compassionate my foot!]

SR thinks Nun LC is asking him to be compassionate towards her!

He thinks because of his official position, every one need to be subservient to him!

Nun LC means she has a compassionate heart towards him and did not take any measures to counter his hostility but instead pity his ignorance.

5. SR to Nun LC: Shangshi [Monk L, JY's friend] said you are very disobedient! You just watch out!

Another monk LT by SR’s side also added that: You must listen to your seniors!

I have also written about some of the above in less detail previously.

With Noble 8 Fold Path: Let’s have fun!!!

SR obviously has no idea what are the Disciplines and Precepts a monk should abide by!

He is still very very sentient minded and orientated. Do readers agree?

Think! why did SR thinks his official position enables him to bully fellow students and rip them off to enrich his sentient material possession?

Think! how ignorant SR is that he perceived HORNS as Power?

Think! why did he think having HORNS means he has Great Power to control others and bring them to heel?

Think! does he knows something call MINDFULLNESS? Did he observes in what context his Guru said he has HORNS in a public speech and broadcast LIVE online too?

Think! demanding Nun LC’s $$$ in exchange for her well being? SR is not aware he is threatening a fellow student with his ability to make her ill, if he so please?

Think! Why should anyone, bribe him to have a smoother time in the training school? Isn’t  this a Buddhist training school for those that had already Renounced Sentient Home?

[**PS: I have edited the above and removed the Monk from in front of SR's name. Only the initial introduction denotes SR as a Monk. To me, he falls extremely short of the Title - Monk!

Therefore I am not breaking or breaching any precepts nor disciplines by using him as an example for my "zen" stories! Do you all  agree he has to be a True Monk or Sangha First?  ]

Well, thanks to our beloved Root Guru, we are happily Walking in Steps with him on the Noble 8 Fold Path and enjoying highlights along our way!

Enjoying yourself?

Game to join us again?

Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef
True Buddha School

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