
Sunday, June 24, 2012

[24-06-2012] Astral Weapon – Dharmacakra / Dharma Wheel

by ADMIN on JUNE 24, 2012

Extract from : [ Jun 23 ] Lotuschef in Conversation – New Altar

{Hahaha! Share a secret – the energy flow of any altar or mandala starts from centre to the left and front and right and back in a clockwise direction.

There usually is a Dharma Wheel hovering above True Yogi and shrine/altar. [sounds familiar? Borobudur and Gao Wang Sutra?]

It is like a cyclone or whirlpool constantly revolving. Never stopping!

In one article, I asked: do you know what is turning the Dharma wheel?

Students were taught to chant : may guru stay in the sentient realm always n not enter nirvana n continue to turn the Dharma wheel…….long stay in Taiwan/Seattle ……

[chanting without understanding is not what Guru teaches us.]}

<From : [ Jun 23 ] Three Turnings of the Dharma Wheel

The model of three turnings of the ‘Wheel’ is an attempt to categorize the content, philosophical view, and practical application of the whole array of Buddhist sutrayana teachings.>


Dharmacakra in Falun Gong

Dharmacakra is translated as Falun in Chinese, and is therefore the most important thing in Falun Gong practice. In “The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa”, Li Hongzhi explains, “The rotating Law Wheel has the same nature as the universe and is its miniature.

The Buddhist Law Wheel, the Daoist yin-yang, and everything in the Ten-Directional World are reflected in the Law Wheel.

The Law Wheel provides salvation to the cultivator when it rotates inward (clockwise), since it absorbs a great amount of energy from the universe and transforms it.

The Law Wheel provides salvation to others when rotating outward (counter-clockwise), for it releases energy that can save any being and rectify any abnormal condition; people near the cultivator benefit.>

Dear all, I gave you all the description of Dharma Wheel and what is the common meaning to most people.

Now I give you yet another to look at Dharma Wheels and as per Lotus Nino, sounds like Sci-fi!!! Hahaha!

Well, I just discovered when I want to share Dharma Wheel as most people know it and I discovered that The Falun Gong’s version is pretty close to my experience of Dharma Wheels!

However, usage is the crucial factor here.

I heard of Falun Gong years ago when they were classified as Cult and persecuted in most countries.

The Dharma Wheel is liken to a Mini Universe and it can absorb and release stored Universal Energy Falun Gong’s version.

Hahaha! This is my humble opinion and strictly without prejudice!

I have share that Universal energy cannot be stored in One’s body or any object with form. It has to be constantly flowing and churning. 

Adhering power to any objects is Fixation.

Believing that one can easily capture and store Universal Energy which belongs to the Universe is a bit far off. For it depends on whether one can get the Right Key to unlock this Energy or not.

Buddha has one of this Key, he will share it with those that have Yoga with him, so there will be no abuse. 

Like the Self immolation articles in the media and this blog, instigating ignorants to self destruct and protest against Government or any authority tasked with maintaining peace and harmony, resulting in loss of lives; damages to public and private properties; killing innocents;….. person or persons like these are already acting against the Law of Nature or the Universe, how then can they still claim to be able to draw and store universal energy for use when needed? 

The Dharma Wheel is a personal property of a Buddha/ Bodhisattva or any one with Maha Bodhicitta. 

It is like a portable fan that follows one around. It protects the owner and deter those with evil intention to harm. 

It can be liken to a Dharmapala always staying by our sides.

Refer to the 5 Eyes series, this weapon should be in the visible range of the 3rd eye onwards……… or the Heavenly Eye. Spirits can spot them from far far away too.

I personally do not advice to use the Dharma Wheel in a reverse spin.

Universal energy is positive and will not harm anyone and also using in a reverse spin has a counter act stance which is like returning a punch.

The Universe with Prajna & Maha Bodhicitta,  does not perceive any negatives so there is really no need to reverse any process as the Dharma Wheel is “compassionate” and “accommodating” enough to take in any negatives and Void them. 

Mindset yet again!

Ms SJ, my friend that saw Acala on the roof of my car just right above her, saw a Dharma Wheel churning on top of my head and then she said to me: Shizun lai le! [means Grandmaster has come!]

At that time I don’t know what is a Dharma Wheel! Hahaha!

How to use it?

Just visualize it moving and then station it hovering over someone you wish to help! That’s all! 

Of course you need to yoga with at least your own Root Guru! 

To the authorities that clamp down on Cults in general, some of them are all empty vessels only but able to instigate ignorants to protest to protect their lucrative income from these ignorants only. Just nab the Instigator/instigators will do. Or ask for an On-the-Spot demo of their prowess! 

If like what they claim they can draw upon Universal Powers, they won’t need to hide away just to stay alive, do you agree? They also won’t need to run for their “dear” lives!!! 

To ignorants who think to protect these leaders life, Wake Up!

Each one of us has the potential to be Buddhas. Just cultivate with a good guru and love all beings irregardless of forms. These people that claimed they have such powers should be able to draw strength from the universe to  protect you all, correct?

When One can draw energy from the Universe, One can create a shield to protect all his/their followers at ease!

Harmony, peace and joy in living, violence is not necessary.

When any religious head instigates violence, protest to protect themselves, they are all bluff! Buddha did not share these methods and I am sure so does all righteous religious gurus.

Cheers all 


Pure Karma

Lama Lotuschef

True Buddha School

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