
Friday, June 22, 2012

[23-06-2012] Yoga? Never Before! [1]

by LOTUSCHEF on JUNE 23, 2012

Terjemahan Indonesia: Yoga? Belum Pernah! [1]

This article resulted from a chat with Guru early this morning. This is not to be perceived as criticism of anyone but a clear presentation of facts. This can be a wake up call too if you are the ones that fit the storyline. 

Without Prejudice! 

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom!

Essentials to Yoga!

This is a vision or if you prefer a dream – XX’s was sitting in front of a fire puja structure and hosting an event. He looks very mean and violent.

Guru said: Look closely at him. He is amongst the seniors but he has never ever achieve True Yoga with me or any Buddha and or Bodhisattva. Greed for Power, Fame, Fortune.

I recalled yet another vision of XX at one of Guru’s Fire Puja in Taiwan. XX is the one that has a face that is greenish black in colour and a sharp bone hugging face of a woman. I removed my eye-glasses and clean them and look at XX and then at Guru, repeating this several times.

Then I said to Guru: I have never seen a colour like this, please tell me what is this.

Guru: Mo! [Mara].

The one sitting next to XX, to his right presented a grey-green hue and that one is ghost or spirit aura. This type I have seen a lot.

The one to his left has a sad poodle face.

The one sitting behind XX and his right neighbour, has a face of the pig.

What Guru wrote in the Sword of the Yogi is indeed very true, White Tara’s statement and name list of those that have dropped into the 3 Lower Realms.

I also recalled that Guru said after a fire puja in Rainbow villa around October 2009 that all those masters that reach 65 years of age and still do not accept ordination as a monk/nun will be retired from their masters’ titles.

Hahaha! Yes! There is a rush for XX and others to get ordinated to retain the Titles!  He and his closest cronies were ordinated after me.

The Mindset of True Renunciation to opt for ordination is not present, do you agree?

To XX and his team, Titles mean he can continue his lucrative “business” of reaping ignorants. Presenting a front of having cultivated well and has power to solve your problems, that is – the more you can pay, equals to more karmic negatives he can neutralise for you. 

Lotus AD consulted XX and was told some one cast black magic on him. He was given talisman to consume, but this did not help him at all.

Remember this story? AD’s brother, HN,  wrote to me twice within a short period of time asking for help?

I taught them to dedicated incense packs to the Karmic negatives and merits from chanting 100-syllable mantra [at least 108 times a day if possible.]

AD is well now! I hope to see him attend Pure Karma’s Indo Event!

XX is the one in the story of telling the family of a suicide victim to go beg Golden Mother on his own and there is not much hope anyway. The next day, after a repentance event, he pocketed the red packet with offering and pointed to me saying: Reverend Lotuschef is very compassionate, she will help you! he walked away swiftly! [this person recovered swiftly with Guru's and Golden Mother's blessing and her family dedicating chanting merits of High King Avalokitesvara Sutra to her karmic negatives.]

Guru said: No Bodhicitta too!

Of course he is also one of them that is attempting to Steal & Sell Universal Assets and do not have the Keys to do so! He can’t give you Blessing or anything he promises because he don’t have any to give!

Anyone lacking in Bodhicitta, which is the essence of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas points to failure to Yoga!

Anyone that has Mindset of equating Titles to satisfy his sentient cravings is also very far from Mindset of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, it is not possible to achieve Yoga!

Please be Mindful (one of the 8 fold noble path), do not fall prey to those like XX.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom
Lama Lotuschef

Edited 1 July 2017

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