
Thursday, June 21, 2012

[21-06-2012] Lotuschef in Conversation – Ksitigarbha Again.

by LOTUSCHEF on JUNE 21, 2012

KK: Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is the most respectful holy being that I worshiped. I have a Ksitigarbha statue in my altar as the main deity with GM photo below. Let me share with you a snapshot of my altar Hahaha

LC: By the way, your altar arrangement is not right. Actually I charge a fee for having a look 

Who did it for you? 

I have seen many done by these masters & I really dare not say a thing, as the students boast about how much they spent and how wonderful that this VM can set their altars. 

Did u see Pure Karma’s Altar? There are pictures in my blog. Go search, I did the initialization on the 25 June 2011. 

Clear and bright lines!

Take full picture of altar in high resolution and I give you some tips.


Dear Lotus Chef Fashi,
Thanks again for your help.

For your question regarding my altar; actually I arranged all it myself. I have not received any help including from any Lhamas, or VA’s to arrange the altar. I do not know whether the position of my altar it is wrong or not since I have no knowledge at all.

I just follow the instructions from GM’s book (Padmakumara) about cleansing the altar by chanting Om Ah Hum, Om Namo Soha and Om Bu Lin 21x.

My purpose is only to cultivated well in front of the altar with sincere hearts. I tried my best to cultivate once a day (a 4 foundation sadhana). Even if I have to worked long hours in the office and I feel my body and mind is too tired to perform a sadhana, I just visualize and chant GM’s heart mantra 108 times before I slept. Same in the morning, if I oversleep, I do the same way due to lack of time.

From my experience, the best time when I could perform a complete step by step sadhana is in the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and on holidays because you will have lots of time.

The items in the altar; some are from gifts, some are provided free of charge from buddhist chapters, some are bought alone. If I remembered, some items in the altar have been initiated by the V.A’s when I kept them in the fire puja ceremony for blessing.

For your information, I originally came from AA and I worked here in Jakarta. I lived alone in Jakarta by boarding a room, and I arranged my desk into an altar.

I know it is not too good to put the altar in the same place where I also eat and sleep, but I think GM and the Buddha’s feel fine due to my conditions.

Please kindly give me some tips or suggestions if you feel the position of my altar is wrong or not suitable. I really have no clue at all.

Once I was considering to take a picture of my altar and then sent it to GM or during a consultation session with one of the VA’s when they are going to Jakarta, but I have not done it yet until now.

Thanks and best regards,


Your yellow jambala should change place with Ganesha. 

 The altar is too cluttered already. 

I can’t open the image file using my iPhone. 

Currently in KL Malaysia. 

Will go have a good look once I am home

 An altar like yours is not too conducive for just sitting there. 

Your thoughts will wonder. ….. Hahaha. 

From your writings, u have lots to tell me! 

I will give u a detailed ‘verdict’ once I hv good look at your altar



Hi KK,

Just look thru the photos you sent.

I am right about my initial feeling that your altar has a cluttered feel. 

Too much stuff and too varied. 

It gives a feeling of messiness and not the serenity, tranquil, warm, comfort, security that makes one relax and energise to cultivate or just sit there to rest after one’s daily battles with the sentient world! 


Tell me what you want to do and how many of those items you are willing to do without. 

Tell you the Truth is that as Guru resides within your heart chakra, it is all the shrine or altar you ever need as it is a Mobile Shrine and Mandala already. 

Are you willing to pay my fees to reset your altar when I am in Jakarta? I can’t do it online for this one. Sorry. 


Hahaha! This student is yet another fan of my dear buddy, Ksitigarbha!

No wonder I volunteered to have a look and give an opinion.

Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef

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