
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

[19-06-2012] Offering 供养 – Q & A 问答

By :  Lotus Chef on June 19, 2012

謝謝法師 Thank you Reverend

疏文可否自已寫? Can I write the script myself?

可否給我一份? Can give me a copy?

感謝法師 Grateful to Reverend

蓮花Alex合十!Lotus Alex, palms together.

亲爱的蓮花Alex,Dear Lotus Alex,

疏文可以自已寫。You can write the script on your own.

你必须让我知道你到底想求什么?You need to detail what you are requesting?

从我发的疏文, 不能广传。 每一张只能用一次。还有,你必须供养。

Scripts from me, cannot widespread. Only can use once. You also need to do offering for them.

供养方法:以师尊名誉行善 – 捐款给净业认同的慈善组织 / 或捐款给净业赞助弘发活动。

Method of offering: Donate to Pure Karma approved charity in Grandmaster’s name / or donate to support Pure Karma’s Dharma propagating activities.

有分别吗? Is there any difference?

都在于你的心! Dependent upon your Heart / Mindset!

阿弥陀佛 Amituofo

净业 Pure Karma

喇嘛莲厨 Lama Lotuschef

真佛宗 True Buddha School

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