
Friday, June 15, 2012

[15-06-2012] Little Lotuschef is Here – Habitual Bone-picker

Y always like to have the “last word” = cannot loose to anyone!
Of course the mischievous lotus babe played with him!
I was told to give a dharma speech before Y.
I found that Y will then pick-bone with something in my speech and tried to show me up as an idiot. So I gave very short and non-committal speeches and refer to him most of the time for his versions. :)
Y would mostly start his speech with: Today, what I am going to talk about is hard and I think most of you won’t understand….
To his horror, I can memorised stuff well and mostly understand them too. In his speech that he alleged as very hard or difficult to understand, and he weren’t able to explain “big terms” he employed; I drew upon these and explained them without a blink of and eye and praise him for sharing such ‘profound’ stuff too at the following session!
After that, I disappeared from his sight and not interested to play his senseless games of ‘pick the bones’.
Another one that is real funny is W. Also let me speak first and he summarises at end. He was the one that told students that “if people say they see Guru and Budhhas/Boddhisattvas, they are actually seeing ghosts!”
His also: your karmic foes are too numerous to be able to pay back at all!
He also went round in circles but ended up confusing himself and attendees with one of Guru’s article from Sword of the Yogi.
He likes to lecture others and pick-bones as well.
After that “See Buddha See Ghost” episode, I quote him as saying how good is praying to earth gods as per his previous speech and finished.
Then I also removed myself from his sight!

Buddha Dharma is so Infinitely Encompassing, I am sure we can find lots to talk about than embarking in topics that you find difficult to understand and trying to show others’ are inferior also not a good way to go for a cultivator.
{I am also showing others’ “un-nice” sides! hehe!}
I hope those that did that in my presence will understand why I just removed myself from your sight.
To Y and W and all those that are like them, noticed that the attendees for your sessions dwindle tozero except for one or two staff waiting to lock up after you? There is a Zen Koan similar to this situation [In bold print]. Can any one share it with us?
Y commented that fellow students really don’t have FuPao/ Auspicious merits because they missed his sharing of meditation.
To those that have attended some initial sessions, they said the sessions were real boring and they just don’t have impetus to attend another one at all.
Y forgets that there are plenty of alternative channels to learn from!
Wow Wee! I became a Bone-picker too??? naughty! naughty!
Pure Karma
Little Lotuschef
True Buddha School

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