
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

[12-06-2012] Lotuschef in Conversation – Hard Facts or Soft Punch?

The recent sagas in this blog, resulted in putting hard facts across to halt a chain of Karmic actions. When it started, the student perceived that the subject of the article is someone he claims to know well.
However, what is overlooked is the morale of the story told and not a personal attack on anyone!
The saga enacted and escalated to a proportion that fully illustrates the chains of thoughts and their destructive results.
Application of Buddha Dharma like 4 Noble Truths and the 8 Fold path, sharing these to help awaken to Hard Facts or Reality, seems to be very cruel and hostile.
The Soft Punch did not sink in at all!
Buddha mixed Compassion and Wisdom just nice to succour all and alleviates sentient sufferings. Of course there is still the Affinity and Karmic Issues!
In Guru’s speech on 10-6-2012 at Rainbow Temple, Seattle, he said those really ferocious and lethal animals, we should consider not to protect. These animals have taken human lives, and protecting them seems to be compromising Human existence.
If acting the “bad” guy, can wake up those that are going deeper and deeper into darkness with each chained – thought, then I would go ahead and execute actions to break the thought-chains.
Hahaha! There is a Zen Koan about the Abbot killing a Cat. Bears some similarities!!!
Remember to repent though and void all  through Guru to the Universe.
In Astral Weapons, I highlighted a practice in Guru’s hevajra book in which those that can yoga with hevajra take a life with a pointed dorje but immediately send the deceased to Pureland.
Therefore, in the above-mentioned Hevajra practice, yoga with Hevajra is compulsory. As hevajra is derivatives of Vajrasattva, and has characteristic of 5 Buddhas, Boddicitta and Prajna is in abundance.
This practice is to remove those that are extremely evil to prevent them from hurting more innocents.
Great Powers = Great Responsibilities!!!
It is indeed hard to act God!!! Harder still to be God!!! :)

Pure Karma
Lama Lotuschef
True Buddha School

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