
Saturday, June 9, 2012

[09-06-2012] Little Lotuschef at Play – Mindset 3

Having Fun? …..

Talking about Merits.

Even the thoughts of Merits is not encouraged.

Please note that Pure Karma do not welcome any one who are cultivating for Merits only. We cultivate happily, sharing everything spontaneously and with no motive of gaining any Merits for self.

Talking about Dreams.
These are imaginary and like Mirages which deceived only!

However, in Tantrayana, Yoga carried into Dreams has its associated benefits. Go read about Dream Yoga.

Let me share more hilarious story about B, to dispel the myths that most people have and also those that have yet to Yoga with Root Guru or any Divinity.

On evening at a cultivation session, B approached me and asked me to sit behind him. 
He said he needs me to help him see whether he is doing Samadhi correctly or not. 
By now, B believed the monk that alleged I have “super-natural powers”!

Starts to sound familiar?

[Look for the related article that I posted previously.]

Then he told me he cultivates every morning from 7am. 
Can I please go to his house at about 7:20am to check whether he is doing Samadhi right or not?

He added that he will inform his Dharmapalas to let me in.


First seat behind him during cultivation; then go to his residence and do the same!!!

Hehehe! I am so honoured to be bestowed with such “powers” though.

Should I ask B for rewards for doing as per his requests? 
Note that I am still layperson and going for ordination as a lama few months later.

Be layperson, I should be sentient minded and ask for huge rewards shouldn’t I?

He also said that I cannot watch movies and also cultivation techniques share with him only……..

Therefore, can I conclude that B has no idea what is True Tantra Yoga at all?

B is very very close to JY for your information.

Recall the articles: 
Speedy way to become very powerful. 
Reverend cannot watch movie. 
The star of these is B.

There are many that like to steal my ideas; cultivation techniques; completed projects; …….. B has a friend that has done so! Telling me that they cannot be use but used them to show others that they are his.

Merits? These cannot be stolen if they are accumulated through cultivation by you!

Can a reverend like me ask for huge rewards from people like B before looking into the viability of their requests/demands?

Little Lotuschef likes Sweets….. Icy cool Milo…… Rich Creamy Chocolates…. Evilly Rich Creamed Cheese Cakes……..

Had Fun???

Cheers all.

Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi HOm
Lama Lotuschef

Edited on 2 July 2016

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