Friday, June 8, 2012

[08-06-2012] Little Lotuschef at Play – Mindset


忠言逆耳,此篇言语实有不敬之处,但我与法师您实是同样有话直说之人,并无恶意,请多多恕罪!我自问丹心一片,唯天可表,实是爱材心切,希望铁能成刚,诚心祝你早日能修行成就!嗡 咕嚕 莲生悉地 吽。 莲花敬译合十

Translated as : [Reverend has great engulfing compassion; Fixated about Right and Wrong hinders cultivation; Dharma propagation - Translating wrongly and mislead cultivators; heartfelt words for your well-being, unsure you can accept in time; Fixated on Dharma result in Pride; Unknowingly Mara draws close; ignorant that Dharma has No Fixation; Merits in Dreams are non-existent; other than cultivation there are no sentient matters; hope you truly rid sentient thoughts.]
Let us all study the above using the 4 Noble Truths & the 8 fold paths and also all Buddha Dharma knowhow we have!
The Fun Begins!
13 June 2010, I attended a birthday celebration party for Grand Master Lu, Our Root Guru. Guru said that all will cultivate to ultimate attainment.
I silently promised Guru that I will work hard to share with all how to “Use” Buddha Dharma and Guru’s sharing, to do my part for all to cultivate well.
To apply the 4 Noble Truths first to Lotus JY’s current situation.
Firstly to admit there is Suffering.
Secondly to define the Suffering.
Thirdly to pinpoint the causative factor that gives rise to this Suffering.
Fourth to Clear the Suffering with Tools called 8 Fold Path.
Why do I said there is Suffering or in this case, a problem?
Lotus JY sent the above 2 identical message within 4 minutes gap of each other!  There seems to be an urgency to get his message across and sending once without an immediate response; he quickly repeat sending the same message.
I was out to dinner with a student who is related to the missing person.
When I saw the messages, I smile as Guru taught me and replied with [Hahaha! Om Guru Lian Sheng Siddhi Hom.]
At least this will pacify him for a while, else he keeps sending repeats. :)
He talks about Fixation. He thinks that I am writing about someone he knows in my articles and one such is Titles! he said I am too Fixated about Right & Wrong!
He keeps thinking I am always talking about the same person that he claimed to know very well as he claimed to know me too.


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