
Monday, May 28, 2012


This topic has been in my mind for quite some time and finally matured!

Titles are something that were created to classify and some are conferred upon certain person for excelling in their field of study or career.

However, what is overlooked is that they are but just a label to differentiate only.

As per Buddha's Dharma teachings, when we differentiate; segregate; discriminate; ostracize; .... we are already creating Suffering for Self as well as others.

In Mahayana, all ordinated personnel are address as Venerables. One for all!

Buddha states that all beings are ONE!

Broadly speaking, we are all disciples of Grand master Lu, Living Buddha Lian Sheng, and there should not be any that think that with conferred titles they are classes above fellow students.

In general, we are all students of Buddha, whatever sector you wish to take refuge with.

There is Kenpo that worries about a certain chapter of his get close down by the owner of the premises because the chapter is not functioning and no student keen on learning and cultivating. The scenario gets worse when followers have heated arguments frequently in the presence of this Kenpo.

Guru said that he was told that instead of building many temples, his students are building Hells.

This is true in that sentient craving for power, adulation, control, ... will create more negative and I have seen altars without any Divinities or Deities gracing them.

Why can't the Kenpo just consolidate?

That's the Mara at work in his mind/heart.

Just like a titled master taking on "refugee style" lifestyle after his chapter was forcedly closed by local authorities. He just can't hang around those that knows of his plight. Actually unlike Midas with the Golden touch, whatever he touches turn bad. The chapter closed down; the weekly publication that he acts as consultant also stopped publication and distribution.

He has very obviously lost the blessing and support of his Root Guru and Associates from the Universe?

People who crave Titles which is perceived as Elevation of Self above others; control over others; .......... I am sorry to say that you are a very long way from the Commencement Point of the Boddhi Path.

Guru said he will always make sentient beings happy, even to the detriment of himself.

At the end of Guru's speech, he urges all to ask him or those masters that understand/in the know, about cultivation.

There are masters that although conferred with titles, have yet to cultivate to higher stages and enlightened enough to share higher tantra or Mahamudra techniques and secrets with others.

How can they share if they don't have such know how?

We see many chasing after those conferred with titles or self-proclaimed ones.


From Greed of wanting to Enrich own life through Powers that they think this Titled ones possessed.

I humbly believe that True power arises from Maha Bodhicitta; for without it, one can't know the way or method to draw upon Universal Energy or power.

Without a True Compassionate Heart or mindset; there is no power to be drawn upon from the Universe.

Don't fall prey to Mara and associates.



Pure Karma

Lama Lotuschef

True Buddha School



  1. 还在说同一个弘法人员啊。我敬爱的法师,说人者,人亦说之啊。我真的非常希望,也殷勤的期盼,等待着您能有真正"放下"的那一天啊!(衷心希望您能在此能够突破,更上一层楼啊)。在这里,语言或文字如有冒犯的地方,请法师您多多包涵,多多恕罪啊!莲花净译合十。

  2. [...] by admin on May 30, 2012 莲花净译 May 30, 2012 at 9:59 pm [...]
