
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Titles - Q & A

莲花净译 May 30, 2012 at 9:59 pm


[Lotus jingzhe: Still talking about the same Dharma propagator. My respected venerable, talk about people, people will talk about you. I truly wish and sincerely  hope for the day you will truly 'let go' ! (wholeheartedly wish that you can break through and move up another level). If I have offended you in any way, please overlook and forgive me! Lotus jingzhe palms together. ]


Dear 莲花净译, Have you really read this article with an Open Mind?

What is the morale of this article?

Do not affix any characteristics or behavior to others as this is Fixation and will cause unhappiness to Self as well as others.

Your interpretation of this article seems to be writer launching an attack on someone you know, it that right?

Or you mean the description fitted someone you know?

Do you really, really know this someone?

Who is the Kenpo?  Who do you think is the titled master?

Revised the 8 Fold Noble Paths thoroughly and look from a more rounded viewpoint.

Do not get stuck along the way.


Was talking to some Foreign students about our Root Guru always try to appease; satisfy; all request and human cravings. Because each individual ultimately answers/pay back own Karma.

Your intent is hopefully sincere and not out to criticize and take sides. However, the morale of the article is to incite thoughts processes to be wary of those that as Guru said: Claims to have great powers but are all fakes.

We have all to be wary of those with conferred titles or self-proclaimed ones, so as not be led into Mara’s territories.

There are those with conferred titles which shirk their responsibilities as well, but would like to enjoy or bask in the glory and the worldly offering of followers.


My humble advice: Let go of Fixation!

What have writer to gain from talking about these masters?

There is no personal vendetta as you so much wanted to fabricate, why?

Titles are what got you?

The Disclaimer on this blog is to read the blog with open mind.


Pure Karma

Lama Lotuschef

True Buddha School


1 comment:

  1. 亲爱的法师,很抱歉我的回应竟造成您的困扰。您的文章写得很好,我也不是觉得您是在说那位弘法人员或在批评他/她,您如果这么认为,那您真是误会我了。在此深深向您致歉。我的出发点是对事不对人啊。"说人者,人亦说之",这个人,并不是指法师您"个人",而只是举例,那个"人是指"众生,人类",也解释了为什么我的留言,您也误会了。看了您的翻译,同们也误会我了。我是真的没有有恶意,我是真正觉得是您误会了您所举例的弘法人员,就象您误会了我用心,就像您误会了我名字的中文发音一样啊。如果您认为我是在批评您或是站在对方阵线针对您,那您误会我了,因您也是我敬重的法师啊!就算是普通同们,就您举例的那位不是弘法人员,只要是"敬师,重法,实修"的行者,我是普同尊敬!况且我觉得法师您也修得很好,能通灵,能看得见,修法时也很多放光照'片,真佛宗有多一位出色的法师,那是多么好的事呢!想想一下,一篇简单回应就有这么多的误会,那您又怎么觉得没有可能是误会了那位弘法人员呢?如果您认为那位弘法人员和我交谈闲聊时有提起您,您没有猜错,他很赞叹您以英文英语弘法,是一个不可多得的人才。其他一盖不提啊。亲爱的法师,如果您认为我的回应是在"保护,偏袒某位位弘法人员,那您又误会了。如果说我的出法点是要护持某位弘法人员,那你是猜对了,但不是您所想的那一位。我的出发点是为法师您啊,因我心中有您!(绝无妄语!)过两天我想报名参加您的同修,您要多多欢迎啊。莲花净译合十。
