
Friday, May 18, 2012

Ati Yoga 阿底瑜伽 - Teachings 教材

Texts and Teachings:
The Dzogchen/Atiyoga teachings, introduced into Tibet by Vairochana, Vimalamitra and Padmasambhava, consist of three classes or series of texts:

9.1 Semde (First Series of Ati Yoga Teachings)

Tib., sems-sde; Mind Series, Nature of the Mind Class

Somewhat similar to the gradual method of many other Buddhist schools, these rather intellectual teachings lead the student to knowledge by way of consecutive, step by step instructions on how to enter the state of mind that is known as contemplation.

An important Tantra of this class, written by Longchenpa, is known as the "The King Who Creates Everything" (Tib., kun-byed rGyal-po), a title that refers to the human mind. The text has been translated into English and published as "You Are the Eyes of the World" (Lotsawa, 1987).

Also the so-called Six Vajra Verses, originally written in the language of Uddiyana, belong to this class of teachings (see Norbu. Dzogchen, and Shane, Crystal).

9.2 Longde (Second Series of Ati Yoga Teachings)

Tib., klong-sde; Space Series, Primordial Space Class

The Longde teachings are designed to lead the student more directly (than in 9.1 Semde) towards a thorough and doubtless experience of his or her primordial state.

Both the Semde and Longde teachings were brought to Tibet by Vairochana and represent the early oral tradition (Tib., bKa'-ma, "audio-transmission") he received from Garab Dorje in Uddiyana.

9.3 Mannagde (Third Series of Ati Yoga Teachings)

Tib., man-ngag gi-sde
Concealed Instructions Series, Secret Precept Class, Secret Oral Transmission Class
Skt., upadesa

This series of teachings derive from Vimalamitra and Padmasambhava, and consist mainly of terma texts among which the Vima Nyingthig and seventeen Tantras hidden by Vimalamitra's student Tingzin Zangpo (Tib., ting 'dzin bzang po) and later revealed by the terton Donma Lungyal (Tib., dong ma lhung rGyal).

Again, the Mannagde level knows two types of training, the 'Two Paths of the Great Perfection' (rdzogs chen gi lam gnyis), and each of these can be practiced as a path in itself.

9.31 Trekchod "Cutting Through Resistance" (khregs chod); also Trekchö, Trekchöd, Thregchod, Trek-chod
The method of "cutting through to the essence", the "destruction of solidity". 

It involves the actualization of one's innermost awareness, 
one's primordial wisdom nature, 
one's primordial purity (ka dag); 
realizing the heart of enlightenment in the present moment.

Related terms: the luminous view of Cutting Through ('od gsal khregs chod kyi lta ba)

9.32 Thogal (Tib., Thod-rGal) "direct approach", "All-Surpassing Realisation"; also Thodgal, Togal, Tögal
The method of "direct crossing", with an emphasis on pure spontaneity or spontaneous presence (Tib., lhun-grub), and with practices that exhaust all defilements and fixations, so that the rainbow body can be realized within one lifetime.

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