
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Anu Yoga

Anu Yoga - This is another that Guru talks about when explaining Hevajra Tantra.

The following are for information only.


Skt., anuyoga
Tib., rJes-Su rNal-'Byor

Also known as Mother Tantras (Tib., ma-rgyud, Skt., matryoga) outside the Nyingma tradition, Anu Yoga belongs to the Inner Tantras and constitutes level 8 of the Nine Vehicles

With Anu Yoga, one finally leaves the gradual path (which is typical for most Mahayana oriented Buddhism and the previous Tantric levels) and begins practicing the non-gradual method that eventually culminates in Dzogchen and its various forms of teachings.

Anu-yoga represents the teachings of the Perfection Process (Tib., rDzogs-rim) or the fulfillment stage, with an emphasis on perfect insight. The specialty here lies in eradicating previous mental conditioning, belief-systems and purely relative convictions, thus opening the way to a cessation of thought. In contemporary psychological terminology it could be called "re-programming the human biocomputer" (John Lilly). The practice at this level focuses strongly on the subtle body, its channels and energies (Tib., rtsa rlung).

In order to learn and practice the teachings of this stage, the practitioner should have undergone the third, so-called Mystic Initiation or  Secret Initiation (Skt., guhyabhiseka). Another practice of the Anu-yoga stage that makes use of sexual techniques end energies, is known as  Zaplam.
The mastery and practice of such rituals, not only through visualization but with a living partner, is one of the necessary pre-requisites for becoming a terton.

Major texts:
Chakrasamvara Tantra, Guhyasamaja TantraHevajra Tantra, Hayagriva Tantra.

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